Thank you for letting me know about the FPS! I had no issues myself, but Unreal Engine is a finicky thing if you can't test on multiple machines.
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I really like the concept! In the maze room a managed to soft-lock myself by expanding the cube to the point it phased through a wall, then on my next attempt I accidentally made it so small it went to the quantum realm. I think with a big more polish and constraints on the cubes and this will be a really solid puzzle game.
I really dig the style here! It took a second to realise what I was doing with the combat and dice steps, it may be better to have them both light coloured until used, but have a highlight over which one you have selected instead. The gameplay is fun, I was a fan of making my weapon as big as possible and I am always a sucker for dice related games.
The style of this game is brilliant! As others said, maybe a little more handholding would help ease people in - such as green/red text on supply/demand items if the planet you are dragging from has those supplies it is looking for. I say this because I have the short-term memory of a plant and had to keep double-checking myself.
I gotta be honest, I absolutely love this game, I managed to get my crown back to the castle aha
It's just so satisfying collecting all the lil guys and the fact you can pick them back up makes this game not stressful. This is such a polished and fun entry, well done!
Can I ask how you got the sprites to do a little bounce animation when moving? I tried that with my chickens but they all got locked to one position and couldn't move
This is a great looking game, you could really up the 80s-ness of it with some retro music and crazy effects on the screen.
The movement and shooting felt a little glidey at times, and I found it difficult to avoid in a direction and aim to shoot with the same mouse direction at times. Apart from that this is a solid submission, great job!