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Knights of Abyss

A topic by ElionSylwin created Jul 11, 2020 Views: 523 Replies: 20
Viewing posts 1 to 12
Submitted (3 edits) (+2)

Hello jammers, I am Elion Sylwin and I am from Czech Republic so please forgive my mistakes in English. I am solo making short 2D Pixel Art RPG called Knights of Abyss based on a story I made a long time ago. I am a beginner C# programmer and I just wanna say, good luck to everyone and I can't wait to play your games. 

Originally this was supposed to be a Third Person 3D game, but sadly due to errors in scripts I didn't know how to fix, I decided to make it into 2D game.

About the game:

Knights of abyss is about a peson, who wakes up in an ancient tomb, where he meets a group of scouts which set up a camp there. They intruduce themself, the world called abyss and the centuries longing war between monsters from abyss and the last members of knights of abyss. Soon after they are interupted by loud sounds from the outside and you, together with the scouts must return to the Sanctuary, last city of light as well as last line of defence from the abyss. And so, your adventures begins.

Core Features:

-Combat system


-Enemy AI

Wanted Features:

- skill tree and stats


- classes

Possible Features:

- Save and Load

- Quest system

- Cutscene

- boss battle

Implemented Features:

basic movement system

- camera system


Currently rewriting, I will update it as soon as possible.


Engine: Unity

sounds: Audacity/freesound

music: Bosca Ceoil

Sprites: Piskel

And once again, good luck to everyone.


ohhhh this sounds like a very exciting and ambitious game and story. i like that you have a solid idea of the core features for the jam and what you could possibly try to reach later! i know you're looking at 3D + have C# experience but just out of curiosity have you considered RPGMaker? it's only 2D but it could take care of some systems if you wanted to really dig into narrative and design more. best of luck with the jam!


Thank you :)

Yes I considered RPGMaker when I started thinking about this game, but I am really unfamiliar with it so I decide to use unity, where I have at least basic understanding, how things work. And after some thinking I decided to remake it into 2D, so I might look into RPGM again, but i think i will stay with Unity.

Even though I wanted it to be 3D, even the basic movement system didn't really work as I would want so 2D it is. But I would really love to make this game into 3D as well :D

Host (1 edit) (+1)

since this is a game jam about learning new things i think it would be a perfect time to try out rpgmaker if you've been hesitant to use it because you're unfamiliar! depending on your needs i think it could really speed up your dev process because you won't have to worry about systems and you could go straight to art and design.


Well I still will be learning new things as I never done any 2D projects, I am just somewhat familiar how Unity works that all. And personally, I am more interested in the dev stuff than art and design. So I wanna do it myself from scratch. Also I feel like Unity gives me more freedom over what I wanna do in and with the game. I also don't know how much time I will have for this jam due to personal reasons, which is another reason why I will stay with unity and not currently learn RPGM as a new engine.

Although if i will have time when the next jam appears, I might try RPGM if it will fit my game.


oh gotcha! that sounds like a great approach then if you more prefer working on dev than just design and narrative.



Today I focused more on the art style of the game as I wanted to have a testing room that at least looks a little bit alright.


I wrote character movement system that moves the character based on input as well as turns him to the direction he is supposed to move. I also implemented the animation controller into it. Next system to be implemented is combat system.

Pixel Art:

As mentioned before, today was more focused on pixel art and I managed to make two kinds of brick sprites (light for walls, darker for background) as well as a target dummy sprite. I am currently working on the edges of walls.

Update Picture:

(Player character is a placeholder, downloaded from unity asset store)

Submitted (1 edit)


Today I focused more on the script side of the game and experimented with some 2D lights.


Today I rewrote the character movement system so it contains all core movement without glitches, the camera system is done and I have started writing the combat system. Also made a script so the light from lantern randomly flicks, just for effect

Pixel Art:

Today I made two sprites, a greatsword, which is broken into multiple pieces (in the picture in one piece), and lantern. 



Today I focused purely on the programming side.


I started writing the combat system for my game and it proven to be more difficult for me than I anticipated so I spent the whole day on it. Tommorow I wanna finish the combat system as there are more core elements that needs to be there and If possible I wanna start writing the basic enemy AI script.

Update picture of the day:

(When I had a break, I remodeled the testing are and experimented more with the 2D lights)


ohhh i love the way this is looking so far! the lights add a lot of atmosphere!! i think the separation of foreground + background tiles is a great idea but it's still a little difficult to tell the difference so i might recommend pushing the contrast even further--maybe making the bg ones darker so that the character + other gray objects like chains can stand out. either way this is looking awesome! i'd love to see a gif of it in motion!


Yeah those bricks for foreground and background were hand made, so the contrast between them was terrible. So I decided to use assets I liked rather then what I made, because the difference is really visible. There were a few more changes, I am no longer doing this solo but in a team. But more about that in another update after a long time. Also I will post an update gif this time instead of update picture if everything works out.


neato, cant wait to play this once its  out


Thank you, I hope you will like it.


Day 6 update:

It has been quite a while since I made a last update, there were few changes so let's get to them.

Internal changes

So the biggest changes from the beginning. When I started, I wanted to make this game solo, test my limits and learn from it, but then I decided to make a team. So without further ado, let me introduce you to Death by Boredom, the story writer of our team and Byroniko, the sound composer. So from now on it's us three working on this game.

Programming changes

For the past three days I have been learning about AI and how to implement it into the game. I am still not good in it, but the important part is that it is in the game and the enemies have basic AI. At the current moment it is not yet in presentable state though.

Pixel Art changes

Because my pixel art skills are not on the level are not on a level where I would feel they are usable in the game. For that reason I have made the decision to use assets. I understand that it won't be as origininal as if I or somebody from my team made them, but I decided for it with the knowledge that the game will look better this way.

Level concept Video

(This is the beginning of the level at the current moment.)


oh wow, the video for the level looks siiiick! and the changes seem like the game is going to be good, however, try to keep your scope of your small in order to finish in time. Just a few levels will be okay and if you want to work on it more, you can. Can't wait to see more of this game. Good luck!


Thank you, I am glad you like it. I am trying to keep it small. All I plan right now is one level, with a few enemies and possibly a boss fight. If there will be more, will depend on the time left.


ok, siiiick


oh wow this video looks great. i would agree with the above comment--i think a small scope would be a great idea, and i can't wait to see what you submit! good luck!


Thank you. Yes I agree with taht comment as well and I am trying to not over done it and stay small. Although I am slightly behind with what I would like to have, I am trying to make as much as I can, so I am not sure what the result will be but I hope you will enjoy it.


Final Update

So we have gotten to the last day, the end of this two-week journey. I must say, I wasn't sure I would actually make it here but here I am with a submitted game. Honestly, I have no idea what to say, so I will keep it short.

This journey was amazing, I talked with many amazing people, learned a lot and most of all enjoyed every single bit of it. First of all, I have to thank everyone in my team for joining me. I must thank everyone who followed my devlog (even though I didn't post much, whoops :D) and most of all I must thank you, my dear reader, for even visiting my devlog. I hope you will try my game and enjoy it.

And that's practically all I have in mind right now, as I said, I have no idea what to say :D So bye everyone and hopefully see you next jam.

Elion Sylwin

