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A member registered Jul 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for letting me know. Wootmeister down in the comments reported the same issue and yeah this was not intended game design. I looked into it yesterday and this is completely my fault. I accidentaly selected a wrong method to the buttons so instead of selecting what seed you wanna be buying and planting, you just buy the seed whenever you want to plant it or not the moment you click on it and receive an infinite supply until you click off. But I am glad you enjoyed it 

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For a first time game jam, the game is relatively well done, considering you didn't fully finish it, so well done. There are things to improve sure, but you get there with experience. 

For example with the stealth, you already made one sign at the beginning so maybe a second one before the factory which would tell you how the stealth works would be nice, like a small tutorial. Export errors happen and if you are not used to game dev, they can catch you unprepared, so don't worry about them here and learn from it. 

If I could recommend one thing about the errors, that Chloe recommended on the discord as well, couple of hours before the end of the jam, maybe even just 1 hour before, create a test build and upload it to a draft version of the  project so you can catch these errors before you need to submit the final project. This way you can also test the game on the site itself a discover bugs that don't appear in the engine or wherer you create the game.

a very entertaining PVZ style game, nice job 

Difficult yet enjoyable game. Had a bit of issue with controls due to the sensitivity especially in some tight spaces but overall a very nice experience.

The controls feels nice and polished and the gameplay is simple yet entertaining. As others mentioned the speed could be higher or there could be a possibility for upgrade for either the tomatoes or time. Overall an enjoyable game. Good job.

Very entertaining, the visuals are nice and the is fiting. The only issue I have (other than the one I wrote on the page itself which was mostly a problem from my side) from time to time, it seems like the game overloads the chrome graphics, cause wierd chages to the UI. But considering the previous issue, not entirely sure if it's simply my chrome again :D

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Yeah I absolutely understand it. Honestly creating another issue by fixing a previous one feels like a curse of game dev :D

 Also it's interely possible that WebGL is not able to draw more comple frames even with hardware acceleration on older PCs and it could not be even an issue of the game itself. And thinking about it, it could be that I didn't have hardware acceleration on... completely forgot about it, even though you recommend it (will have to check that) :D in which case it would be simple user error :D

EDIT: Okay so I had hardware acceleration off, tried it with on and runs much smoother. The rain still causes a bit of lag but considerably less and almost not noticable. Soo mostly a user error.

Very nice relaxing game. As others mentioned, the rain drags my FPS, but that is the only downside I could find. Very enjoyable. 

Very enjoyable and sometimes bit tricky puzzles, the music is pleasant and fitting and the visual are pretty. Nice job

Very enjoyable. The artstyle is unique and while personally, I don't really enjoy it, objectively speaking it is very pretty. Good job

For a two day game, it's very enjoyable, the artstyle is cute and the music is fiting. The only thing would be that after 4-5 plants, everything becomes redundant and you can just collect the beans as they overpower every enemy. So maybe a bit balance there or increase the spawn/health of slugs overtime. Also the cactus is adorable

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It would appear that when I start the game, I get stuck at the title screen with the music playing but no UI. Is it a problem on my side perhaps? It was an issue on my side, seems like the UI doesn't load without hardware acceleration :D

Thanks for playing :) 

Yeah originally there was a win/fail condition, but I couldn't fit in due to time. 

The water is a fair point that I overlooked, definitely something I should change/add an upgrade for example. 

Interesting, definitely will look into the bug.

Very cute slimes, and entertaining gameplay.

Funny and enjoyable. The difficulty is nice, jumping feels great and I like the graphics.

Great graphics, enjoyable soundtrack and gameplay. Very nice game, good job

The soundtrack is nice, graphics simple but very nice animations. Controls are simple as well and gameplay is enjoyable. Only thing I happened to me couple of times is that I got stuck on a box of money and I couldn't get out.

The graphics are very nice and the atmosphere is great. The mechanics are simple and enjoyable although sometimes it feels like I can't really control the cracks, even if I feel like I dodged them, the moment I try to dodge another close stick the previous one cracks.

I really like the graphics. It took me quite a bit of time to get the hang of the controls and the game itself, but after I did I really enjoyed the gameplay. 

I agree that the lack of sound is noticeable and not good for the game.  The mouse is mostly due to personal preference of using mouse button for attack rather than a key, but adding the option of using a key for attack is something I will consider and take note of for the next project.

Enjoyable, quite difficult boss fight, took me a bit to get used to the controls so I can deal as much damage as I needed. Sometimes I got stuck in a corridor causing me to lose more helath the necessary but thats kinda fine. Pixel art could use some work but it does the job enough. Nice job

Simple yet entertaining. Good job

That certainly could be a possibility... I never tried to make a time based power up, but it could be an interesting challenge. I would have to limit it to certain degree otherwise it could destroy all enemies again, tho it would come at a price of a lot of time. Ot I could also make a level up/upgrade system allowing for pushing that limit higher allowing for more damage both long range and close range.

Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed it.

Originally there were supposed to be couple more levels, enemies even a boss fight before you could get to the obelisk but I ran out of time. I believe this was mentioned in  one of the dialogue lines (that I honestly missed when changing it) that mentioned there were five doors (portals) and some other stuff. I really liked working on this small game so I am planning on returning to it soon :D

I noticed that the HP bar sometimes overlaps the dialogue boxes and the UI definitely collides with the dialogue windows which I wanna change. There are more changes I wanna do such as you won't start the same dialogue when you start again and such.

I will look into the close range attack and try to figure out what is causing it, hopefully it will be a quick fix. I had a quick replay and noticed that I most likely forgot to scale back the long range attack damage from when I was testing it because 9/10 it obliterates everything in its path :D

Really well made game. The art style is simple yet very nice and enough to visualize everything needed. The controls are pretty smooth and the game itself is quite difficulty. I really enjoyed it, good job.

Glad you  enjoyed it :)

The concept and controls are really nice, it also depicts quite well the darkness and claustrophobic feeling of underwater caves. I really enjoyed it. I also love the menu visual where you can see the oxygen and battery, that looks awesome.

The only thing I didn't like is the crackling of the sound. I don't think that was intentional, but if it was, personally I find it quite unpleasant, Also I am unsure how is the limitation of Time is a resourse done here as it feels like the oxygen and battery are more of a resourse than the time itself, but you are technically still "racing" against the time so not sure.

Otherwise good job.

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Just to clarify, are you playing the web version or the downloaded version?

Also when you enter the town portal and enter the dungeon, the portals forward are always on the far right, the left ones on which you appear lead back to the town. I will check it asap and if found, fix it immidiately  Found the problem, fixing it right now.

That is a good point and it certainly is not working as inteded. Personally I don't use arrows so I kinda forgot to test them. Luckily that should be a quick fix. Thanks for pointing it out :D

Yes free assets were used for the graphics. While I made some changes to them to fit (For example the obelisk breaking animation was made from scratch using the obelisk sprite as base) and made some small sprites (the portal sprite and some other), my art skills are nowhere near the level necessary to make the whole graphics in this amount of time. Music and sound effects are sadly missing, I wanted to add  if I had some time left, but I ran out of time.

There certainly are many things to work on. I want to remake most of the systems as the code structure is awful and change many other things. But thank you for playing :)

Oh absolutely, many of systems in my game are not how I wished for them to be either. Even the way they are written is quite frankly awful and it's just a jumble of code. So I fully undestand not having time to make it perfect and how you wanted it to be. :D I just wanted to point it out in case it was an uncommon occurence. But your game is really enjoyable and i nthe couple of runs I played, everything worked just fine so for 3 day game jam, very nice job :D

Very nice game with satisfying concept. It also has a quite good learning curve when you figure out how much to jump, remember the world layout. It somewhat reminds me of jump king, because of it's jumping mechanic and unforgiving any mistake. Very enjoyable.

Oooh that makes much more sense. I noticed that some of the jumps I made were a bit higher, I didn't think of this tho :D One small thing that happened to me during my second play is that I got stuck in respawn-death loop when my last position was at the very edge so I couldn't do anything but continue falling. Luckily I was just started but just wanted to mention it.

Your respawn already remembers the last location when it was on ground, guessing you use classic isGrounded bool (for jumping etc.), so you could use three bools when respawning slightly spaced apart and check if at least two are grounded, if not move character to the closests grounded position. That could ensure that the player is always on the platform when respawned, tho I guess it could cause some problems when standing on single space platform. Just an idea. Tho what happened to me might have just been unlucky because the respawned worked great every other time.

Really interesting concept, the shop and upgrades are quite nice. I didn't really figure out how the double jump works, if it was meant as double jump. Otherwise gameplay feels nice, the mechanics are well made. Good job.

I really enjoyed this game. The pixel art was nice to the eyes and the gameplay was quite smooth. I really like the idea. The boss took me a bit to figure out, because his fire rate is quite fast so he blocked all my arrows :D

Good job.

The concept and idea are pretty interesting, though I am not sure if the heart is spawning properly or if there are some conditions. Also as others mentioned, controls would be nice as it took me quite some time to figure them out and I still do not know if you can "reload" your fireballs.

Otherwise good job, it's qute enjoyable.

Really enjoyable with simple and pleasant graphics. The upgrade balance is done well. While the concept and limitation implemantion are quite simple, they work well. 

Really interesting and enjoyable game. I could see that it was inspired by  Faith: The Unholy Trinity so that is good.

The only thing that I didn't really like, as mentioned below, are the sound effects, they are quite loud and unpleasant, but that is something that can be quickly fixed.

Good job

Thank you. It seems there is a problem with player and obelisk collision interaction, so the obelisk doesn't really know what to do. I will fix it asap.