This was a lot of fun! I'd still like to speed up the pace a little bit as I think some may have already mentioned, there can be a fair gap between missing and resetting for your next attempt but otherwise no complaints! This would make a really good port to mobile devices too.
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Rat Pack's pageNorwich Games Festival Attendance
Not able to attend from UoS
It's a shame you'll be unable to attend, 'cause this is one of the higher tier games in the whole lot so far for me, even though I'm stuck at Level 5, which should perhaps be pushed a bit later if you ever add more levels, whether you expand it to 50 or 100 or whatever, but hey, it's part of the challenge, as I always say whenever I get to a particularly challenging point in a game. Maybe if the CRT shader was animated, the UI was more exciting and the music and SFX didn't default to 0 while still letting the music play and both defaulted to, say, in the middle, I could've even placed this one in 3rd for the Public's Choice award, yet you wouldn't be able to claim your prize, even if it's just bragging rights.
I don't really mind all that much personally, but I would've tried to avoid the potential ire of the big companies by replacing the copyrighted characters with original alternatives, 'cause I'm not sure they'd be willing to work with you on this one. Their branding would probably have to be more prominent than you'd be willing to do, and even if you complied with whatever terms they come up with you probably wouldn't be able to afford their licensing.
If you decide to develop this game further, I'd recommend adding a level editor and a system to upload your own levels, 'cause this game is prime for that!
Nice to see a UoS entry in this jam. Awesome little game you made, the gameplay is really solid so far and 20 levels is really quite impressive. Hope the team keep updating the game in the future. My only bit of feedback would be that I'd love to see some audio added for NPC dialogue, hit reactions, collecting stars and button presses! A trail renderer on the projectiles might also be cool but that's just icing on the cake really.
Congrats on the entry! :)
Love the art and style of this game! The portraits are beautiful. Very starfox - I like all the cameos from famous cats too. I could tell you had a lot of fun with the puns and names :))
Super impressed by the polish and the amount of levels - that is a lot of work! The dialogue is really funny but I do wish there was a way to skip it sometimes, mostly on harder levels where I'm trying to figure out what to do.
The introduction of new mechanics is really well done! Every time I had gotten used to one, there was a new one to learn in the next level. Same with the characters too, I was hyped when Mauve Minx appeared lol.
The stars as hints/indicators of where you need to shoot is very helpful.
Over all I'm super impressed. My pick for favourite of the jam :)
This is incredible, loved the gameplay and humour! The levels are tricky without being too difficult, and the extra stars give a nice bonus to completion!
I would like it if there was a way to like reset the levels faster, sometimes it felt as if the rock was flying off-screen for ages, and then there was a little bit of dialogue before your next shot -- sometimes I'd forget the angle of my last shot and make the same one again because I'd spent some time waiting.
That being said, I loved the dialogue and the nods to the well-known characters!
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