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A member registered Apr 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'd like to give this game a little spin, but I can't get past the game's "login screen". Is there a way to do that? Thanks.

(1 edit)

Bit disappointed this has nothing to do with board games if you know what I mean, but then again, that's not what I was expecting here TBH. Still, the parallax scrolling in the first level and the cloth effects elsewhere are pretty nice, so all I can say is keep up the good work!

The game's giving me an error stating that no main scene is defined in the project. Is this something you could fix? I'm using Edge, if that helps.

Nice character artwork here! Hopefully this game will be fully realised, with a loading screen instead of long pauses and the inability to make your character appear invisible, of course.

I don't like how the game just seems to resume when you click New game, as well as the constant turning speed and that you just start moving the other way immediately when you hit the front or back thrusters. The best I can say about this is I hope you grow in your journey of game development and, maybe when you have better skills to demonstrate, you could remake this game into something that's fully polished.

This one's a banger, as it's fun to see if you can 100% this,  plus the cat theme is perfectly implemented here. I'd also like to mention how well the page's theming is implemented too! There are many flaws I'd like to point out, however:

  1. The game is dragged using the right mouse key. Remap this to the left mouse button.
  2. The game is too pixelated when I scale it up to full screen, no matter which scaling settings I try on my 4K monitor, whether it's the size of the screen or everything on it.
  3. The last three upgrades are just the same, while the first two basically do the same thing with the same exact multiplier, just in different ways. There's basically only three real real upgrades here.
  4. Upgrades should stack so, say, one of the planets can produce 4x then 6x its original output after previously producing 2x. This feature would especially be useful for the limited number of planets I had to deal with here.
  5. The description for the Quick Prod upgrade makes it seem as if it'll actually DECREASE how fast the planet will produce resources by 2x rather than increase it.

It would also been nice if you could figure out a system to allow multiple planets to interconnect and thus pool all their resources together for the betterment of the colony. Maybe you could've also squeezed in some extra planets so it doesn't have to rely on the 100%ing aspect to be really enjoyable, as well as rectified some of the flaws I listed or just not created them in the first place?

I like the gameplay concept. For some reason the page still scrolls up and down whenever I use the up and down keys, as has been a problem with others in the past. This is especially of concern to me, as I'm used to using the arrow keys as opposed to WASD, which may not exactly be helpful because I'm left-handed - I'm a leftie, you know.

But hey, it ain't no QAOP, as was common on the ZX Spectrum back in the '80s and some owners back in the day will be no doubt nostalgic for, and maybe they got used to it too. There's even an emulator of, yes, the ZXS, named after it!

Not too shabby. It would be nice if there was looping music at the title screen and you got an unlimited amount of time to rack up the highest possible score, though.

It's a shame you'll be unable to attend, 'cause this is one of the higher tier games in the whole lot so far for me, even though I'm stuck at Level 5, which should perhaps be pushed a bit later if you ever add more levels, whether you expand it to 50 or 100 or whatever, but hey, it's part of the challenge, as I always say whenever I get to a particularly challenging point in a game. Maybe if the CRT shader was animated, the UI was more exciting and the music and SFX didn't default to 0 while still letting the music play and both defaulted to, say, in the middle, I could've even placed this one in 3rd for the Public's Choice award, yet you wouldn't be able to claim your prize, even if it's just bragging rights.

I don't really mind all that much personally, but I would've tried to avoid the potential ire of the big companies by replacing the copyrighted characters with original alternatives, 'cause I'm not sure they'd be willing to work with you on this one. Their branding would probably have to be more prominent than you'd be willing to do, and even if you complied with whatever terms they come up with you probably wouldn't be able to afford their licensing.

If you decide to develop this game further, I'd recommend adding a level editor and a system to upload your own levels, 'cause this game is prime for that!

It's nice to see a quality Norfolk-themed game here! This one feels like a hypothetical minigame from a LucasArts adventure game, the kind I was thinking of when I used to play Guard Duty during the latter half of Norwich Gaming Festival's original run, a kind I'd actually like to see this game develop into for this reason.

I'm not a big fan of the potty humour in this otherwise unremarkable Asteroids-inspired game. Why has no one complained about this? Also, the graphics were ever so slightly meh and it was weird I had to leave one pill behind. At least it scales pretty nicely to 4K, though.

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The game controlled well and had decent graphics, though the hell section was too easy. After I got out of there, I only managed to get into the day skies for a bit, and when I did, the big background tiles were shaking around, revealing black lines on the screen.

Try making each setting (level) gradually ramp up in difficulty as you go and sufficiently jump it down a bit as the guy goes somewhere anew to introduce new mechanics where appropriate.

This is my new number one (I've been playing the games in alphabetical order), as its quality is comparable to that of a really good 2010s Flash game (you know, those old web games that used something called Flash Player) and feels like one too! It could've ranked amongst popular titles like the Achievement Unlocked Fancy Pants and Henry Stickmin series. I will say, though. the character looks like it's from Homestuck, if you know what that is.

I only have three minor gripes:

  1. It takes a long time to regain control of the ball sometimes because you have to wait for it to come to a complete halt first. I feel an option to work around this would be best added as an option to make the game more accessible to newcomers, like the young kids who may have played this game already.
  2. The ball got stuck, albeit only twice or so before I decided to give up after, like, the sixth hole at a particularly hard section with a bunch of small moons, and I even got to see the symbol that appears beside the ball askew.
  3. The exit button hardlocks the game. In the web version, if possible it should instead go to the previous page or if unavailable close the tab, basically to fix an edge case.

The presentation is superb, though there are a lot of issues. The game was too easy because none of the enemies moved and the player's shield should've only replenished through upgrades, plus the game don't scale to fit full screen. It would also be nice if in the web build the Exit Game option made the user go back a page or if none is available close the tab.

At least you can rest easy knowing we're not alone here.

Anyway, the graphics are amazing, the most realistic I've ever seen, considering they're not just simple store-bought Unity assets and they were presumably built within the time limit, as with the rest of the game! Not that I would call it one yet, though, as all I'm seeing here is a tech demo, otherwise I would've voted this one as my personal number one. Still, I like what I'm seeing so much if I could add one honourable mention to the voting form, it would be this one. Hopefully there'll be such a field next year...

The gameplay ain't bad, nice and challenging even, though it could've done with the option to use the arrow keys, plus I don't like how the ship turns at a constant speed. Also, the game window's cropped too much, even on my 4K monitor, and it doesn't even use the full screen space when I enter full screen, an issue I know you'll be fixing as we speak, plus it's weird how the Exit button in the main menu does nothing. In the web build, it should lead to the previous page, or close the tab if none is found.

(3 edits)

This is the most fleshed out entry I've played thus far for the same reason as Brad's Games stated - I can only assume you were very efficient with your time. I do consider it cheating to use AI for voice acting, but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter as much in this context. Still, I would've recommended hiring real voice actors from Fiverr or something if possible. I'm also used to using arrow keys as opposed to WASD, and it would feel more intuitive if I could just click on things rather than pressing E, but hey, it's no challenge I can't overcome. Still, this is so good I would actually pay real money for a full version, which I suggest you make, and I may even pick this as my number one choice, but we'll see, cause I've just gotten started!

I can only wish you the best of luck and that by working together all of us will help further our local and regional gaming industries to widespread international acclaim.

A nice, short experience that could've done with some fleshing out, but it's not bad for what you've got, plus I like how you've got both dark and light themes here. However, there is one major problem for me personally, but not one that's 100 percent the end of the world: it feels as if you just shoehorned a space theme into it by simply placing a regular house in space without considering real life space physics. Like, wouldn't it be more realistic if the home was a spaceship and everyone wore space suits so they could float around to different places in space and use some kind of interdimensional warp system to get to other places relatively quickly if need be, like we can on Earth?

Also, it's somehow possible to break out of the game by clicking "WRITTEN IN INK". I haven't found a jailbreak for this game as of yet so I can use it to browse Google or whatever, which isn't helped by the fact that many pages are programmed to open in a new tab or just refuse to connect, and when they do work I can't scroll down. Please fix this. 😉

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The gameplay is pretty fun and the graphics are nice, except that the character models could do with some work, though they do have their charm as is. However, it's too unforgiving for newcomers, as it gives you only five lives before the game is over, with little to no opportunity to get them back. To solve this, I would've used a health bar (whatever you would've called it) instead, as well as different difficulty settings and modes, including the option to disable the fly or use another key to swat it. High score submission also doesn't work, nor is there a list for submitted scores, but hey, maybe you can fix that in due course.

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This is the most creative concept for any rhythm game I've ever played and the only one I've seen that veers away from the typical instrument-playing fare. The main gameplay looks and plays great, but it can be confusing to newbies like myself as to how the audio waveform is in the middle, making it look like another row of notes you have to deal with. Maybe the availability of more graphical (text-based, of course! 😊) instructions could've helped. As for the menu, eh, it's alright. What it needed there to make it really pop was some music and graphical enhancements, like higher-quality punch holes and maybe a desk in the background, as well as maybe some better shading to match.

Any updates? I'm still interested in seeing the video essay and pseudo-academic analysis of each of these less than seven games using your skills as a graduate student of game design.

Somehow, I made the original game engine buggier. Whoops. But good creative way of considering the importance of 7 and 21 by making it into a 7-Eleven, yes.

Thanks. I called the store 7-Twentyone and made it important to him as my form of considering the importance of the numbers 7 (and 21) to Waluigi lore, and as a good pun for 7-Eleven.

Would anyone like to vote for each game and write a review for them, like I have?

I wish I gave myself more time or maybe came to this contest earlier, like a week before it ended, then it could've been better and had more features. Oh well, maybe I've improve on it one day. Just try not to cry for this project when so many projects have been abandoned and have been long dead for, 5, 10, 15, 20 or anything years.

The controls are the best, discounting Purple Nights, which, due to its mouse-based, hyperlinked nature, have no reason to be bad.

The control method is interesting, as is the requirement to press W to start, but can take some time getting used to. These might need some refinement before being used for commercial games.

This is one of the highest quality games in this entire jam. Good work, even it just looks like an actual reskinned default template.

Good to know. Thanks!

Thanks for the response.

Other Flash games on work. I'm using Basilisk, which still supports Flash, along with Flash, which is not affected by Flash's shutdown.

It tells me "Adobe Flash is required to run this project in the browser. Enable Flash" when I try to run the game, so I can't even run the game. Please can that be fixed?