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A jam submission

Who am I?View game page

Go through your mind to dicover deeper memories about yourself
Submitted by MobTonio — 18 hours, 6 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Impression (score low for unimpressive, high for impressive)#63.9413.941
Originality (score low for unoriginal, high for original ideas)#74.2944.294
Legitimacy (score low for jam-spam, high for authentic "in the spirit" entry)#244.2354.235
Adherence (score low for poor theme implementation, high for sticking to theme)#273.7653.765

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Like the concept with combos and progression.
Wanted to try and complete the game, but it appears that I was stuck, because I had full inventory of spells, and I couldn't continue when I had to take new spell, because refuse button didn't work.

Also, I was playing on Firefox and noticed there were quite a few errors in the console:
- Dragging existing spell in inventory when one needs to select new spell gives "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
- Dragging new spell onto inventory gives "Exception: You can't put object in filled space at MemoryLink.PutData (MemoryLink memory) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0"


I think this is great. What did you mean when you referred to it as a demo? Is there a full game. The only thing I would really like to tweak is for it to be a little bit more obvious what combos of memroies are valid. Love the music and sfx.

Developer (3 edits) (+1)

I only think of this as a demo because of my perfectionist nature. I want for people to enjoy my works with as it's full potential. But if people are enjoy my works as they are right  now that's amazing too! I just don't want for people to sacrifice their  content because of my own incapabilities or time restrictions


There was a lot hard work went into this, it is difficult, but very enjoyable to play. Took me a while to get the swing of it. Brilliant well done 


There was a lot hard work went into this, it is difficult, but very enjoyable to play. Took me a while to get the swing of it. Brilliant well done 


Pretty fun, albeit cryptic. Pretty hard to figure out what combos did—which was dangerous while health was getting whittled down.

(1 edit) (+1)

got to the end! surprising amount of depth to it, once you get the mechanics (or at least—some of them. 3 combos and above remain a mystery!)


Thank you, thank you! I always wanted to make rogue-like game with some unique and interesting mechanics. I hope to make more games like this in the future!


very cool style

i dont understand the game. maybe add a short video with an explanation.


unfortunately the same for me. Also a "Control" section in the tutorial would be helpful. With the big space around my character I would assume I should be able to move around, but somehow I don't manage to do so ...