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A Solo Cartography Journaling RPG
Submitted by The Pensive Toad — 24 days, 17 hours before the deadline
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Drifts is a game I've kept my eye on from such an early point in the Jam and I feel like I have to eventually treat myself to playing a game of it. The logo is so incredibly well done and immediately characterises the whole game. The rules are nice and simple but I feel like that allows you to sink deeper into following your nomad's journey.  I genuinely can't wait to print this out and play. Great work, excited to see what you do if you decide to flesh this game out more!


The layout and style really does sell the theme and tone despite because of its simplicity. It isn't particularly elaborate, just the silhouette of the dunes, an illustration of a sandbike engine, the logo, and an incoming sandstorm, and it works really, really, well.

I do like how the map changes as all but a scant few landmarks are lost as the game progresses, keeping things fresh and also stopping the player from running out of space. The rules are straight forward and easy to understand. However I will say it isn't completely trading with settlements work (I would assume you would need to be adjacent or in the same hex and you would have needed to have found at least 1 new landmark). I also agree with thulhupunk, there should be an end goal rather than just survive. Still  Drifts is an enjoyable and simple hexcrawl cartography game that, like many good one page RPGs, proves that less is more.


Thanks so much for the feedback! It's great to hear thoughts on my creation, especially as this is my first shot at making something! I'm taking all feedback for use on future creations and hope that I improve!

If I have time I want to flesh this game out a bit more and put some more thought into some of the mechanics.


What a beautiful look - especially the Logo with the thin line got me immediately ! 


This is very evocative and paints a vivid picture of traversing sand dunes while attempting to escape fate- well done! I would have liked an end state, something being worked towards but ither then that small gripe this this is gold, looking forward to playing it...


Thanks for the feedback! I agree, I feel like there should be an end goal. Initially when I wrote this I felt that thematically it didn’t make sense to have an end goal because the drifts have wiped your memory and I left it open ended for you to fulfil your own goal.

I may update the rules at some point to finesse it a bit.

(2 edits)


Just dropping a comment to say I love the vibe of the game. I've played one day and enjoyed my time so far.

Quick question on the first Elders Prophecy aspect - how does this work?

I rolled on the game start - hostile/humanoid 

At each site should i be rolling to see if there are signs of the humanoid? - my setup

By the way : Acid Death Fantasy (Troika) is a neat companion to the game if you want support with world building. 




Love the set up, it's great seeing it in action!

The table is mostly to be rolled when you need some added inspiration for story beats but use it in anyway you see fit as long as it aids in the story telling then I know it's done the job!

Yes! That setting is perfect for this! I've never delved into Troika but this has piqued my interest! Thank you!


So I'm 8 days in and lots has been lost in the drifts.

I'm currently pulling into a settlement.

Map so far has two caves some jaggy rocks and some empty sky nests. 

I'm rolling on what remains randomly.

I'm using acid death fantasy for world building and exnovo for settlement building. 

Great work. I'd like some more rules around:


A goal table

I plan to use 4 against darkness to explore the caves as well. It's working as a great link between my other solo games. 


Loving the updates! It's good to hear how people are getting in with the game!

I will try to update the game soon with added mechanics and end goals. I may also try to build the world a bit more to add uniqueness to the game.

Continue to feedback if you have the time and feel free to get in touch too!

Hey toad.

Just checking because I might be playing the supplies wrong - is it 1 to camp and repair or 1 to camp and 1 to repair?

I'm on day 10. Having lots of fun. :)



It's 1 to camp, your nomad is building a camp and cooking, and another 1 to repair your engine by 1(this can be done multiple times), your nomad is using parts from their supplies to repair their bike,  avoiding engine part damage.

Hope that helps!

Thanks. Looks like my bike is a bit more trashed than I thought 😂 

Luckily I cornered my quarry at the foot of a toppled statue. Rather frustratingly he'd forgotten everything and refused to speak to my character. He's on his way back to Vessel (the city) now strapped to the bike and I'm picking up a new story with a new character. 

I'll play the supplies right this time.

(1 edit)

Just about to start playing! A quick clarification, what does "new landmarks are erased" mean? Does that mean we should draw all three then choose two to keep and erase one? Or just draw two after choosing? Thanks!


I was struggling to word this properly! Any previously chosen landmarks to keep become permanent placements, if that makes sense?

Example: After three nights you choose to keep a city and canyons, erase the rest. After another three nights, you choose two new landmarks and keep the city and canyons as they are now permanent, it continues like this, enabling you to build a map

(4 edits) (+1)

That makes, thank you!

I am having such blast playing so far, writing a page in a journal for every in game day. To make it more immersive for myself I've been drawing the landmarks with pencil but then tracing over the ones I chose to keep permanent with pen to remember, and erasing the lost landmark. 

I've also made journal logs with coordinates to the map so I can reference past entries if I end up back at a location. 

Again great work! 


That's amazing, glad to know you're enjoying it!

That a really interesting way to play it, makes it's more immersive for you!

Hope you keep enjoying it!


This is absolutely gorgeous and I love the concept!!! Great work! (I'm a bit confused with the d66 table, but I just assume you could use a d100 and reroll.)


Thanks so much! You use 2d6 with d66 tables, just roll them both and choose which die to be the tens and which to be the singles :)


Oh!! That's so much easier than what I figured! Thanks! (I may definitely use this new information in a future game)


This is a very pretty game. Excellent job! I love the exploration mechanics!