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A jam submission

Axiom TownsView project page

Submitted by dyskinesia — 24 minutes, 30 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#1253.3353.438

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

The artwork given reminded me of a few RPGs I've played, but the pastel palette perhaps hinted at something a bit synthetic. My frame fell somewhere between Xenoblade Chronicles and Hyper Light Drifter.

I imagined a third person experience that starts in a small village that you are soon outcast from due to a "curse" that your family has superstitions and presuppositions about. The objective is to search for a cure so you can return home, or find the truth about your "curse" in the Farlands.

All of the tracks are meant to be looped except for the "Leaving Home Theme", which would be used for a cinematic / cutscene.

I composed each track starting with chord ideas initially. There are some really neat harmonic ideas that did make it into this, especially in the battle theme. Then, I usually try out some melody lines on piano and guitar, then figuring out time signature and build from there. I used ableton as my DAW and Dune 3 for most of the synths. The drums on the battle theme are made in operator and the rest on the shop theme are sampled from a drum machine.


Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
The pastoral arrangement in the home town and leaving home themes was designed around a village nestled in a forest, so much so that paths around the village are rather paths through forest instead. It's very clear that the inhabitants care to not disturb the land they share with the trees. This is what I interpreted from the artwork. The theme "runaway" is represented in the story. You are not only exiled, but also running from yourself into the unknown in search of a cure for your own humanity.

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Damn, that is one hell of a shop theme, I never expected something like this at all. I don't know your approach for the Battle Theme its kinda seems like a battle theme but at the same time its a bit gentle. Anyway good job !


This was really great. haha. That shop theme takes the cake. Nice job!




In Home Town Theme, there are some melodies that "clash" against each other I feel.

But in the last 3 tracks, especially Aphids Plains Battle Theme, they all sound very pleasing. Great job!


I enjoyed the sound of the tracks, which helped me imagine the type of game that they might belong to. My favourite of the bunch was 'Axiom Town Shop Theme' particularly where the melody line kicks in at 19 sec - sublime! Well done.   


Really liked the battle theme - nice work for the other pieces too!


Leaving Home Theme really is a perfect piece to me. It sets a good mood. 

All of them do a great job of being a good game soundtrack. It conveys a mood and fills out the world, but with a smaller loop, thank goodness it doesn't have a super defined melody that would become annoying soon.

Only criticisms are that the town shop theme doesn't really sound like a normal shopping experience. Did you mean it to be battle music? Do you get anxiety in a store?  and that the home ones fit together well and the town shop and battle music fit together well, but this definitely feels like two different games.