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A jam submission

In the DarkView project page

Entry for OST Composing Jam #7
Submitted by MusicBaum — 5 days, 2 hours before the deadline
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In the Dark's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#5662.7042.778

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

I was thinking about the ambient music of some games I played a while ago like Skyrim and an arcade map for Starcraft 2 called The Thing.
These pieces consist of more harmonies and other musical structures, but I wanted to make my tracks sound more empty to convey a feeing of loneliness. That's why I kept the music rather simple.
Additionally I wanted to experiment with the way I make the music, so only recorded my voice and some noises and used some effects to transform them into this kind of dark ambient.

Chosen theme (Atmosphere of the game)
You're Lost in a dark place. It seems like your all on your own, but the noises you hear around you tell a different story.
Walking down into a cave system you still hear the wind and it sounds like someone's moving through the dark distantly.
As you move further the the tunnels start looking more man made and you find your self in empty rooms that might have been abandoned quite a while ago.
There are still some kind of machines that you don't understand and some of the must still be active as you can hear their humming and hammering echo through the corridors
No one's there... right? But you feel like you're being watched and you're pretty sure something was moving just right around the corner...

what does each track represent in the game:
Track 1:
- The dark cave
- you've been left alone not knowing where you are
- this shock of being stranded in this strange place lingers above you, inevitable like a tinnitus

Track 2:
- hissing noises of wind, pipes leading to the machines and a lot of reverberation as every little noise is echoing through the caves

Track 3:
- like Track 1 the uncanny feeling of not knowing why you're in this place
- but with more noises
- you feel like you're not completely alone, is there someone or something else here

Track 4:
- you can hear the distant, slow hammering noise of machines
- there must be something else down here
- in the end you hear a hissing noise, that might be some creature coming closer to you

how are the tracks made:
Track 1:
- voice recoding + Paulstrectch
- 2 Layers, 2nd with high pass
- audacity only

Track 2:
- recoding of cracking and scratching noises + Paulstretch
- 2 Layers
- audacity only

Track 3:
- voice recoding + noises
- 16 Layers
- stereo panning of the different layers
- stretched panned an edited recordings with Paulstretch
- audacity + REAPER

Track 4:
- used sounds: Bass Drum (stretched) + voice recoding + noises + Organic Textures (ambient synth by Spitfire), very quite
- 7 Layers
- high and lowpass filters
- audacity and REAPER


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
I saw the Theme and the Theme image and wanted to make something that feels like the opposite of the image.
So I interpreted the text theme not as a welcoming invitation to be "inside my world", but rather to feel lost in someone's (or somethings) else's world.
I tried to convey a sense of loneliness, being stranded in a strange foreign world, a dark and liminal space.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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Creepy ambient with lots of voices, trumpets and percussion...


These are some unique sci-fi soundscapes! Also props for using Audacity. Thanks for sharing this!


Track 1 - love the vocal resonance in this one - it feels very mysterious. My favorite moment is 1:02 - 1:13, since I can hear a G# tone that seems to pitch bend down as the wind noise comes in. 

Track 2 - I’d suggest using fade-ins or filter automation for the start of those layered audio clips because the sudden room noise is somewhat distracting. And check out noise reducer plugins if you haven’t already.

Track 3 - the bassy drone and whisper noises are working really well for me, but the static room noise is a bit loud for me personally and overshadows the drone and whispers.

Track 4 - this track is genuinely scary. The combination of the drone, the thumping, and the snarling are perfect!

Just watch out for the finer details of sound production since that’s very important in this style. Overall, I had a very fun time trying to listen for the different sounds woven into your texture. Each track has their own character, but they still feel dark and unified. Very cool and creative submission!


Very unique entry, in and by far the most soundscape-driven ambient submission I've come across.  Some creepy atmospheres and texturing - I could imagine this making for great ambience in a horror game during an otherwise quiet section. Track 3 appealed to me the most - the slow noise sweep and the held drone makes for an eerie and unnerving backdrop.


I am very impressed with the levels of soundscaping done here, it was very creepy - which is what you're aiming for. As a fellow vocalist, it's nice to hear voice being used too. Good work!


Some strong ambient for sure, and great setup as well. Sounds decently polished too. Nice work


I appreciate how in depth you went to explain how and why you made your tracks. 

I do think they are a bit TOO ambient since its not really something I would listen to but more like noise for when there isn't music

Still it is really cool how you used only your voice and some noises to make them.