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Inside My WorldView project page

Submission for OST Composing Jam #7
Submitted by Ogre Chief — 1 day, 11 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#6012.5242.750

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

This mini-soundtrack tells a story in 3 parts.

The first was inspired by the picture theme: happy, silly, and optimistic.
As every good story has conflict, the 2nd track imagines what it would feel like when the bubbles start to pop, the fish become a bit sinister, and a dark shadow passes overhead...
In the 3rd and final track, we skip ahead a bit to where our hero has overcome their challenges, and is having fun exploring and experimenting with their newfound powers.

Each track was composed and arranged in Logic Pro.

Message from the artist
Thanks for organizing such a fun challenge, this was a great experience.


Picture theme

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

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Really fun opening, got me vibing in my seat. Silence is so important and you nailed that concept well. Great job!


This is funky - I'm really liking the choice of instruments and the use of rests in Pt 1. The approach to layering here is really well done; a couple of new instruments and embellishments gradually coming in until you end up with a nice and full sounding arrangement by the end.

Pt 2 takes things in an interesting direction, starting off this time with a much busier accompaniment. Digging the various articulations used by the strings in this one. Nice progression, too. Has a regal flare to it, which the snare rolls are doing a great job of selling. 

Finally, for Pt 3 I can't say I was expecting to hear that kind of synth, but it fits well. This piece feels a bit more explorative and progressive than the other two. Steady beat to keep it driving forward while the melody lines start to weave in and out of one another. Good job on the orchestration throughout - nice and varied.

Good job, this was fun to listen to and has some interesting concepts in it! 


Very enjoyable silences in Pt1!
In Pt 3 you've made very interesting sounds and combined really with each other. Well done!! 


Hey... It's fun! You've got three very rich compositions with a vibe of old adventure games! I like it)

Thanks for a little immersion in the atmosphere of happy cartoons... heh


Sounds fun and unique, with some catchy melodies :)


very decent, liked pt 1 the most, keep it up!


The first song was a really great first impression. I was boppin my head which I don't do for a lot of songs! I really wish it were longer because it was so fun!

The second track felt a bit off like the strings weren't coming in on time with the beat sometimes which made it a little awkward to listen to.

The third track was pretty good to.

something I will say is that they didn't really feel like they connected very much. I think a strong leitmotif to connect al 3 songs would do wonders. (if there was one and I didn't notice I am sorry)

Great job overall!


I didn't expect this to sound so silly since most of the music I heard here are emotional.

I liked the beat on the second track, though I found the strings to be a bit too much but I loved the quiet synth lead, this one is probably my fav track.

The guitar and the strings on the final track felt too loud, but the melodies are well made.


That's great feedback, thank you. Mixing & mastering are definitely areas I'll be focusing on for improvement.


1. I enjoy the contrast of the first and second sections of this piece! It sounded like something from an early 2000s flash game, weirdly nostalgic in some way.

2. I like the drums in the beginning to add tension! Quick tip-- be sure to quantize things that you input via keyboard. The immersion of the string lines was slightly lost because not every not was exactly on beat. I'm not sure exactly how to do it in garageband/logic, but there should be resources online.

3. Loving the upbeat vibe of this last track, especially the gripping octave synthesizer line. Lots of instruments trade off melodic fragments, which makes for a lovely texture.

In all, I enjoyed these three pieces-- nice work, and keep writing!


Appreciate the feedback, thank you for listening :)