136 entries were submitted between 2022-03-04 16:00:00 and 2022-03-06 16:00:00. 2,862 ratings were given to 141 entries (100.0%) between 2022-03-06 16:00:00 and 2022-03-13 16:00:00. The average number of ratings per game was 21.0 and the median was 20.
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #88 | 3.232 | 3.316 |
Quality | #117 | 3.027 | 3.105 |
Creativity | #124 | 3.078 | 3.158 |
Overall | #125 | 2.975 | 3.053 |
Composition | #127 | 2.770 | 2.842 |
Impression | #129 | 2.770 | 2.842 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Creativity | #124 | 3.078 | 3.158 |
Composition | #125 | 2.821 | 2.895 |
Quality | #133 | 2.616 | 2.684 |
Correlation to theme | #134 | 2.308 | 2.368 |
Impression | #135 | 2.462 | 2.526 |
Overall | #135 | 2.657 | 2.726 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Quality | #64 | 3.689 | 3.889 |
Correlation to theme | #80 | 3.373 | 3.556 |
Composition | #94 | 3.268 | 3.444 |
Overall | #98 | 3.299 | 3.478 |
Impression | #99 | 3.110 | 3.278 |
Creativity | #126 | 3.057 | 3.222 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #67 | 3.455 | 3.455 |
Quality | #127 | 2.773 | 2.773 |
Creativity | #127 | 3.000 | 3.000 |
Overall | #129 | 2.918 | 2.918 |
Composition | #129 | 2.727 | 2.727 |
Impression | #133 | 2.636 | 2.636 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #71 | 3.437 | 3.526 |
Quality | #74 | 3.591 | 3.684 |
Composition | #109 | 3.027 | 3.105 |
Overall | #110 | 3.160 | 3.242 |
Creativity | #128 | 2.975 | 3.053 |
Impression | #129 | 2.770 | 2.842 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Quality | #14 | 4.155 | 4.263 |
Impression | #73 | 3.334 | 3.421 |
Composition | #85 | 3.334 | 3.421 |
Overall | #99 | 3.263 | 3.347 |
Creativity | #128 | 2.975 | 3.053 |
Correlation to theme | #130 | 2.514 | 2.579 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Quality | #64 | 3.689 | 3.889 |
Impression | #94 | 3.162 | 3.333 |
Overall | #111 | 3.131 | 3.300 |
Correlation to theme | #113 | 2.899 | 3.056 |
Composition | #117 | 2.951 | 3.111 |
Creativity | #130 | 2.951 | 3.111 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Impression | #100 | 3.100 | 3.100 |
Quality | #115 | 3.050 | 3.050 |
Correlation to theme | #120 | 2.750 | 2.750 |
Composition | #126 | 2.800 | 2.800 |
Overall | #128 | 2.930 | 2.930 |
Creativity | #131 | 2.950 | 2.950 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Quality | #100 | 3.283 | 3.368 |
Composition | #108 | 3.078 | 3.158 |
Correlation to theme | #116 | 2.821 | 2.895 |
Impression | #119 | 2.873 | 2.947 |
Overall | #122 | 2.996 | 3.074 |
Creativity | #132 | 2.924 | 3.000 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #77 | 3.386 | 3.474 |
Impression | #131 | 2.668 | 2.737 |
Composition | #132 | 2.668 | 2.737 |
Overall | #133 | 2.811 | 2.884 |
Creativity | #133 | 2.873 | 2.947 |
Quality | #136 | 2.462 | 2.526 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #102 | 3.000 | 3.000 |
Creativity | #134 | 2.850 | 2.850 |
Impression | #137 | 2.250 | 2.250 |
Quality | #137 | 2.450 | 2.450 |
Overall | #137 | 2.550 | 2.550 |
Composition | #138 | 2.200 | 2.200 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Quality | #39 | 3.847 | 3.947 |
Composition | #91 | 3.283 | 3.368 |
Impression | #110 | 3.027 | 3.105 |
Overall | #120 | 3.027 | 3.105 |
Creativity | #135 | 2.821 | 2.895 |
Correlation to theme | #138 | 2.155 | 2.211 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #109 | 2.924 | 3.000 |
Impression | #134 | 2.565 | 2.632 |
Creativity | #135 | 2.821 | 2.895 |
Overall | #136 | 2.616 | 2.684 |
Composition | #137 | 2.462 | 2.526 |
Quality | #139 | 2.308 | 2.368 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Quality | #123 | 2.846 | 3.000 |
Correlation to theme | #132 | 2.477 | 2.611 |
Composition | #136 | 2.477 | 2.611 |
Overall | #138 | 2.488 | 2.622 |
Creativity | #138 | 2.477 | 2.611 |
Impression | #139 | 2.161 | 2.278 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Quality | #129 | 2.750 | 2.750 |
Impression | #137 | 2.250 | 2.250 |
Composition | #138 | 2.200 | 2.200 |
Creativity | #139 | 2.450 | 2.450 |
Correlation to theme | #139 | 1.950 | 1.950 |
Overall | #139 | 2.320 | 2.320 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Correlation to theme | #140 | 1.423 | 2.250 |
Quality | #140 | 1.344 | 2.125 |
Impression | #141 | 1.344 | 2.125 |
Composition | #141 | 1.344 | 2.125 |
Creativity | #141 | 1.660 | 2.625 |
Overall | #141 | 1.423 | 2.250 |