This is a really cool concept, though it's held back by its execution.
A lot of collision? detection seemed off, like in the jumping tutorial I missed the platform and it said I completed it, likewise in the button tutorial I walked around the door to examine the puzzle and the game said I completed it.
The echoes were a bit wonky too - in the first room, I stood on the button for a while, then created the echo, and for some reason the button wasn't activated even though the echo was standing on it, and I had to wait for the echo to disappear before trying again. In the second room, my echoes kept glitching out and disappearing before they could turn the valve all the way, I eventually manage to stick the valve halfway open with an echo so I could jump to the finish instead.
The art direction was very mysterious and gloomy! There's always a worry that making a puzzle game like that will make it harder to see the puzzles, but I didn't have a problem here. The sound design was also great, though I'm not sure the sound effect of the button fits?
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