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A jam submission

The Egg of BasanView game page

One chicken girl's quest to save eggs and punch mythical birds
Submitted by Firecat1311 (@Firecat1311) — 10 hours, 47 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Challenge (Touhou but Fair)#14.2414.241
Use of Theme#53.9443.944

Ranked from 54 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Team Members
Fiore, RJM

External Asset Credits
A few sound effects from RPG Maker

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Very polished game! I included it in my Touhou Jam 5 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)


woah, hey, I've watched a bunch of your jam game videos! definitely gonna be following this series too


A platformer game with simple but charming sprites. Very enjoyable, I like it a lot.


I love it

The game's perfect! Perfectly responsive, good controls and platforming. Plus an entertaining story.


Perfect game! 


Lovely game! The mechanics feel good, level and boss fight are well designed. The art is super cute and I love Kutaka's animations. For such a short game it offers good replay value and speedrunning potential. I would love a longer version of this, but it is fine as it is. The only thing I miss is a quick way to start a new run other than exiting and restarting the game.

I'll definitely check out your other games and look forward to your future releases.


I played a lot to win


This game is really good! I liked the animations, characters, music and difficulty. I think the difficulty was perfect. The boss started easy but then got hard but not impossible. Overall great experience :)


This is a perfect game, I will give it full marks.


Incredible, well designed, each section is unique and builds up from the last, lending into an epic boss fight. The wall running feels a bit awkward at first, but on the second playthrough, everything plays so smoothly.

Also, it has a nice Easter egg room.


I feel like with 1 or 2 weeks you can totally make a full Kutaka platformer out of this. Beautiful art and arrangement and it's a sold platformer with smooth controls.


Brilliant in every category. Kutaka a cute. Some phases of the final boss were a bit frustrating, but bless those checkpoints :)

I would have loved to see some sections that rewarded intense thunderbird use like in your gifs :P


I wanted to include a second version of the level for a Lunatic Mode which forced you to make use of every platforming mechanic with tight precision but, y'know, time constraints, and I am but one mortal woman


This game is pretty damn solid, not just in the context of the jam but just in general.
The mechanics were solid and fun, the level had some length to it and was well designed, Character sprites were cute as heck, and the bossfight had substance and a nice difficulty curve. Like, I'm impressed that this was just two people basically.

Amazing effort. Would totally buy a full version of this


the second person was the music composer, the gameplay stuff was all me


...those 72 hours were a blur, I remember very little, I think I probably slept a couple times, maybe


You didn't need to break yourself over this but you did it anyways, you absolute madlads.

Just know that if you were to make this a full game, I would probably buy it


it definitely didn't feel like I was going that hard, there were a bunch more things I could've done that I didn't, not because of time constraints but because I just didn't feel like it, or because I wanted to sleep in a couple extra hours... until after it was over and my brains felt like scrambled eggs for a day, ahahaha


I usually don't play through a lot of jam platformers,  but this one was thoroughly enjoyable and I ended up beating it. Plays super smoothly.


It's so amazing game. This proves that it is possible to make good games with Game Maker Engine.


One of the most enjoyable and impressive games in this jam. I still can't believe this was made by one person. The platforming is solid and I enjoy the buzzsaw part tremendously. Difficulty is a bit easy thanks to the high health, but I prefer it that way.

Yuyuko has some patterns that are difficult to read and it took me a while to understand the cycle and beat it.

I hope you use the mechanics for this game for a longer release!


the wall-running mechanic in particular was one I've been planning to use in a future game for a while,  but it probably won't be in dev for some time yet.


Played on keyboard, handles pretty well. Wall running is slightly inconsistent with how fast/much you run up, but I got the feel of it quickly. Almost got through the entire game without getting hit but RNG(?) made yuyuko spam a lot more butterflies for her 2nd phase with me.


she just keeps throwing them out until you've been directly under her long enough for her to drop down. however there is RNG behind the positions they end up in, so if you don't make her drop down soon enough there's a chance for it to be unavoidable when she finally does, which, yeah, isn't ideal, in retrospect


It's very fun to control, short, but packed with personality, and just a good time. I'd love to try playing this like a speedrunner some time (ignoring all the eggs and just moving as fast as possible).

 Only concern of mine is with color. I'm red-green colorblind and Yuyuko's butterflies are difficult for me to see against the blue sky. I ended up giving up on spotting them in her 3rd phase and just kept punching her before she could beat me up.


I'd love to see speedruns, I may even be persuaded to share some of the secret forbidden techniques...


The graphics are very smooth! It feels fun! The action when the character is not moving is also very interesting, but the process is short ... praise!


Very smooth-looking graphics and a high degree of movement freedom. The level of challenge is great for speed-running no-miss runs. As a button-masher, I never quite internalized which button was jump/punch/dash to the point of instinctiveness. Oh, and the writing tickles.


The buttons are a lot easier to handle on controller, but I guess the same can pretty much be said for all my games