I'm looking for advice on title screen graphics. As the title screen is embedded in the project using base64 encoding, it can bloat the file size, so I'm trying to make it as efficient as possible.
I've designed the title screen for 320 x 240 pixels, i.e. 4:3 aspect ration. The file is saved as an 8-bit PNG, adaptive colour palette, no transparency. The file size before importing into Adventuron classroom is 26kb. The image looks great when viewed at 320 x 240, but when viewed in Adventuron, it gets scaled up and it looks like crap. Everything is pixelated and anti-aliasing becomes glaringly obvious. If I create it at a larger size, the file size becomes unacceptably large.
Any recommendations on the ideal image size for the title screen or how to get around the scaling issue? Or am I being too pedantic?