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For You, Dear NeighbourView game page

a game about snow
Submitted by Nizart, MickKay — 1 day, 15 hours before the deadline
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For You, Dear Neighbour's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
How well does the game fit the themes?#24.3334.333
How much do you enjoy the game overall?#43.2223.222
Did you make it in 3 hours (put 5 by default)#73.3333.333

Ranked from 9 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How long was your dev time?
2.5 hours for the initial game. aditional 4.5 hours for polishing. made by two persons.

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I like how the snow piles up and the animations :D
The game reminds me of bailing water out of a boat

I was confused at first about the winning condition until I read the comments.
The white bar increases very slowly and it becomes a little tedious to shovel snow.

Maybe you could have the snow falling faster or the weather changing over time


Yes, definitely a good idea.

I am thinking about adding a level system, where you have limited time and the snowfall increases or the weather intersifies from level to level.


The snow had very cool physics! Were you using a finite element method to simulate the piling?

Developer (1 edit)

No, not that sophisticated. Actually is so simple that you might laugh when you know it.

I made two models. The first one is responsible for the snow flakes falling down, where each flake is an object with position and velocity, and the wind applies some more or less random acceleration. The second model is responsible for the piled snow, where each snow crystal is just a white pixel in a picture, and the gravity is implemented by checking for each pixel if there is an empty pixel below (or below-left or -right). And when a snow flake hits a snow crystal then it will be converted into a crystal itself.


That’s brilliant! It’s so cool how simple rules like that can lead to really complex-looking behavior


Over all cool concept. Would love more player feedback and a way to "Super shove" to remove more faster. At the moment feels good for like a minute or two and then starts to feel a bit like a chore. And more player feedback would help solve that issue I think. Over all its a good start. 


Thanks for your feedback.

The movement does not work with acceleration, wich makes it a bit robotic. Your problem is probably that when the snow rises, the player gets slower. since i can’t move the player less than one pixel, he will snap a bit.

The super shove is a nice idea. If i ever return to the project, i will give it a try.


the art is awesome and the concept is really good. the snow collecting is a joy to behold!

the game slows down a bit, perhaps because of the scoring system(you can just wait; perhaps linking it to more active elements like the shoveling would help(?)) and the slow buildup of a fail state(maybe if the snow collected faster or the neighbor returns more ice(or even damages your lawn irreparably)), The random turns of the green guy(if there's a pattern to this i haven't figured it out) hurts it a lot for me; i would've enjoyed more predictability to his movement..

Anyways, sorry about the wall. I guess I liked the game a lot, haha!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback.

The neighbour turns randomly, with a reaction cooldown of 0.5 seconds, which means, if you started digging 0.5 seconds after he turned or less, he won't notice you. The time your brain needs, to notice that the neighbour turned is 0.2 seconds which means you have 0.3 seconds to react.

I don't know what's about the lag, the whole snow and scoring system was mickkay’s part, he will have to respond to your question.

Edit: Maybe you think the slow movement is lag, it’s just that the player moves slower when in high snow. Otherwise i don’t know how to fix it.

Submitted (1 edit)

Yeah, I did notice that there was some leeway into when the Neighbour notices but got the impression it was a bug. Maybe have the reaction cooldown be an icon or a sound 0.5 seconds before he turns? Or a sound cue? If you're not aiming for a purely diagetic experience that is.. if so maybe have him play a transitory animation during the reaction cooldown? I know that this is just a game jam but I'm just really curious, haha!

Oh, by 'the game slows down', I meant the gameplay, not lag. I feel like you have to wait a long time before the snow piling up becomes a threat so you're under no pressure to try and outsmart the Neighbour until later at which point it becomes a little boring. But I guess this would work as a more zen-like experience if that's what you were aiming for. I just kinda resonated with the arcade potential.

Edit: loved your moral drug game btw..


Very fun game but quickly becomes boring. Good work.


Thank you for your feedback.


Liked it a lot! But there is no end?!


The game is over when the white bar reaches 100%. This eventually happens because of the gradually increasing snowfall. Until then try to make as much score as you can.