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Mini Mech Media

A member registered Aug 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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A Trijam game from JafCraze? We are so back! Haha

Game-wise, it was great! What a simple, but effective way to refresh an old classic.

Yes, the PICO-8 font isn’t the most readable sometimes. I think next time I’ll try using a custom sprite for the x button and maybe add a little animation. I’m glad you had fun!

Thank you! I sure do like my bite-sized games (thanks to PICO-8 for the limits!). I’m glad you enjoyed the…twist! (🍦pun :D)

Wow, thank you! The writing was a lot of fun. I don’t normally spend much time on a storyline but it the narrative started to take on a mind of its own!

Each day the ice cream does move a bit faster and spawn more often, but it is a fairly subtle effect. I’m glad the boss level was noticeably more difficult though!

Thanks for the feedback, I’ll keep that in mind if I make a more polished version!

Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

It does end, but not by itself ;)

Nice concept, it gives me Ecco the Dolphin vibes!

Thank you for your kind words, I’m glad you enjoyed it! That is good feedback on the hitboxes. I think you’re right that they could stand to give a little more wiggle room.

Nice, chill game. I really liked the art!

If you check out the github link, there is a png export available

Very cool! I once made a game with a similar mechanic of modifying memory values The physics were a little buggy so making the ball bigger made it get stuck in the paddle. But I love the concept!

(1 edit)

I unfortunately didn’t have time to make it very balanced, but the idea was you would have to use your ammo/time wisely by factoring the most promising numbers. For instance, you could ignore 64 because it’s a lot of shooting just to get a bunch of 2’s. But if there is a 68, you can get a nice big 17 with only a few shots.

I also did end up making a mechanic where the position on the bubble you shoot influences how the factors will split. For instance shooting a 64 right in the middle will break it into 2 8’s. But if you shoot it on the end, it will break into a 2 and a 32. This mechanic isn’t very obvious though.

Thanks for the feedback! The hope was that you would have to be strategic about which numbers you focus on, like going for 68 because there is a juicy 17 in there, and don’t waste your time with 64 since it only has a bunch of 2’s. But it’s pretty unbalanced right now so yeah, spamming is probably the best strategy in the game’s current state!

Creative take on Breakout! There were times it felt like there was no way to avoid losing health since the zombies were in the way of the ball. Maybe if there was some way to steer the ball it would make it a little more easy to win

Fun game! Very impressive that you made multiple stages

This was a really cool idea! Each level did a really good job of teaching you a new way to use the mechanic. I think the controls could be a little more forgiving though. With the floor being really slippery and the after-images being a little distracting, it was easy to miss the jumps. I really enjoyed this though!

Pretty cool mechanic! You’re not just removing the obstacles, you’re also using them to your advantage! links to Trijam 253 which doesn’t exist. I think it missed that there was a 2 week hiatus on Trijams

Thanks! I added a link in the About section that is an unminified, commented version

This is password protected until it’s finished. The password is “realm-weaver” (no quotes)

I agree with you about the mouse. V2 is all keyboard controls and I think it plays a lot better!

Being able to disable enemies but them coming back stronger after was a really cool idea!

Well that escalated quickly! Simple and fun gameplay. I think it would be a little more balanced if the enemies couldn’t spawn right near you. There were times I was trying to strafe around a big throng of enemies and then one would spawn right in front of me and I was boxed in. But overall nice game!

Very wholesome, and nice relaxing music! I found it a bit easy because I could pretty much hold down the jump button and fly over the platforms and avoid all enemies. Maybe you could put some enemies on the platform to add to the challenge. But great job!

Very hectic and challenging! I liked that the power up icons were very intuitive. I died right away the first few tries and didn’t notice the controls were printed on the screen. But very fun when you get in the groove, great job!

Started off a little slow but it really picks up! Great graphics as always :) and the cooldown wheel was a nice touch

Nice game! There was one time I felt confident I could tell the difference, but most of the time I felt like I was guessing. Really cool concept though!

Thanks for playing! Unfortunately PICO-8 doesn’t support WASD, but you can use ESDF instead.

Great tool! I find it really useful for developing tweet carts. Is there any chance it could give the character counts for the before and after?

Oops thanks for pointing that out, fixed the description.

I wanted the teleporter to have some momentum to add to the challenge, but I agree it’s a little too sluggish

I wouldn’t have thought a game about bats would go so well with relaxing piano music!

This is a cool submission! I would love to see a description of a world that came out of this process if you have one

I appreciated the sound effects and music. Gameplay was challenging! I was only able to beat it after discovering an ~exploit~ epic strat:

Spoilers Below

You can shoot through doors, so I cleared a few rooms without directly facing the Culkins

So since sounds and sprites don’t contribute to the character count in the PICO-8 editor, does that mean they are allowed after all?

I would be honored, go right ahead!

Really addicting, great job!

Bob Jam community · Created a new topic Deadline Extended

Hey all, I extended the deadline so we have all day Sunday to finish up our games

Yep! It’s easy to miss, but the stack trace says “CrashThisFunctionToWin”.

Cool idea to make a game where you want to get caught! Very nice art, music, and gameplay! The scoring system is also a great way to give it replay value.

I found it a little odd that the bombs explode after a certain amount of time, not a certain amount of turns, just since everything else is turn-based. I also was scrambling away so I wouldn’t get caught in the explosion, before I realized bombs don’t hurt you :). That could be a cool mechanic though if you wanted to expand on this!