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A jam submission

Traffic MadnessView game page

Red Light Green Light on Steroids
Submitted by Danidan — 1 day, 4 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Technical Implementation#343.5003.500
X Factor (overall enjoyment)#812.9292.929

Ranked from 14 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Did you credit all assets in-game (including your own) as required by the rules?

Not in-game but on the game page

Team Size

Solo (1)

Will you continue work on the game after the jam?

No - only made for the jam

Which diversifiers did you use, if any? (optional)

In a Song
Two Button

What tools did your team use to construct the game? (optional)
Godot, Photoshop

Which art and audio did you / your team NOT create? (optional)
Audio, Font

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I liked it a lot. No suggestions. Very solid game. I played with one hand and I have a big keyboard. Felt like playing twister with my fingers. I always like it when games like this have a neon color palette, but that's just me. 


A really challenging puzzle. It made my brain hurt in a good way. The levels were well thought through and satisfying to complete. I wish the Diversifiers were better implimented as once declared my brain goes into hyper vigilance. 2 buttons in game, but then you need to use the mouse to click buttons - this is not allowed, but has no baring on the game, so it's an unfortunate distraction. I think crosspaths is nailed, checkpoints is weak. It's not in a song so yeah, and shapely is fine. It's a funny old thing if you had not checked the boxes I would not have had it in my mind, but because it was I was distracted. It means nothing, but at the same time it means something. Any way enough of that, the game is good and I enjoyed playing it. Well done


I love the pedantry, and I completely agree with all of your comments. The reason I checked the boxes is because that's what I set out to do, but due to technical and time limitations I wasn't able to do everything I would have wanted. Also with these types of jams, it's more important to have fun, so I don't really think the rules are enforced so strictly.  Anyhow, thanks for your feedback!


Way to go hitting all of the diversifiers, first game I have seen do all three! The song was a great pick for this game. The timing on some of the levels was a little punishing, but the layouts of the levels were really solid


Nice use of the modifiers! I see every possible limitation here.. except for maybe checkpoints? I definitely agree with your point of the rhythm game thing, I had to treat it almost like a memory game to beat it, but it was fun for sure :)


Yeah I honestly kinda forgot about the whole checkpoints thingy, so my patch-up solution was to just have levels you can unlock and go back to. I know it isn't perfect but oh well.


Great game! Maybe too fast, which made it difficult to react, but it's not super critical i think. It would be a little better to start at a slower pace and then increase the speed with each level.

However, overall the game is very good!


Thank you for the feedback, and the great idea.


Great idea and very comfy game, but I think it would be better with a little more time to react or more space so you are aware of what is happenning and not just memorizing what to do


Ye I agree. It totally didn't occur to me that I could slow down the cars. 


Cool game, but:

1) My main issue is that the difficulty curve was kind of messed up. In my opinion, level 3 was the hardest of any of them, while level 4 was pretty easy.

2) Gameplay got a little repetitive. Now, since the game is only 5 levels, it's completely fine, but if you were going to increase the scope of the game, more mechanics would be necessary. Maybe add more cars or just a whole new mechanic.

Other than that, the game was fun. The audio was really tasteful and well implemented, the art was simple but got the point across just fine, and I thought the use of the theme and focus was pretty cool.

(Also if you could give some feedback on my game too I'd appreciate it)


Thank you so much for your feedback. I made the mistake of designing all the levels together which didn't allow me to actually test how difficult the game would be. I tried to balance it as much as possible, to counteract that, but they are still way too difficult.  

I also agree that the mechanics are very limited, but I am not planning on developing this further, and I didn't really have the time to make more mechanics during the week, bcs of school. 


Yeah thats completely fair, I have school as well so I completely understand the lack of time.


Really great game concept, style and music! Very clear idea and loved the switching of the different gates and the looping paths. At times, it was hard to handle some sequences. As mentioned by others, I sort of memorized the key order to get through, so perhaps build up the speed in the earlier levels. But the challenge was rewarding. Great job and enjoyed the experience, sounds, and aesthetics.


Thank you for the nice words!


its hard but its also really fun! (Also it would be cool if you tried our game)


I will definitely check it out. I saw Vim play it on stream earlier and it seemed really cool!


ok thx


incredible game! the design is so simple but fits so well into all of the themes, it’s honestly genius. the game is really challenging and took me like 20 minutes, but was not infuriating at all. i think slowing the ships down could improve the game, as i found myself memorizing the button presses instead of reacting to the path, since they were too quick to process, but the levels were short enough was still fun to play.

10/10 i would buy this on steam.


Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! Honestly, I also played it by memorizing the keys XD.  I don't know how it never occurred to me that I could just make the cars go slower. Thx for the feedback!