You are already very aware about how it can be a bit difficult to read and comprehend - so I just wanted to say I was overwhelmed by the level of efforts that has gone into it...suffering even...
The way you comment on certain games shows your potential to be able to simplify profound philosophical ideas in English; and it flows too, so you have it in you!
Ah, but when it comes to concepts grappling with cosmic consciousness and meta-physics where you have imagined a tremendous level of detail....I'm sure it's a completely different story!
There are a lot of parts that I couldn't properly understand, but I do have some comments!
Even though some of the descriptive parts feel too heavy, some of the conversations actually feel organic enough. One part especially stood out; the one where the protagonist asks Atlasia to respond to the comment: The finitudes of existence are meaningless (or something along those lines)...
Atlasia's optimistic response encapsulating the human journey with respect to nature was so well-crafted - that part especially stood out in making me realise; with time and practice, you'd get there!
I hope my positive reinforcement has managed to please you ( in Atlasia's words hehe)
Keep going, you seem to have such a unique perspective to bring to the world, and language barriers can be broken!