Words of sympathy?
Do you even know what sympathy is?
How about appreciation?
I can see that you're commenting from a new account that's only been active for 3 days. Judging by all your negative comments to anything remotely positive, I'm assuming you were banned for being an entitled a* *hole.
I'm curious why you feel like it's your right to control when the creator releases updates.
Have you ever considered any of the following reasons:
1. The creator might be working on this project with little to no help or completely by himself.
2. Maybe he's going through a tough time in his life and can't fully dedicate his time solely to this project.
3. Maybe the creator has a full-time job and can't devote every waking moment to pleasing people like you.
4. Maybe the creator has a life and deserves to live it.
5. Maybe the creator is taking care of children or family members and is mentally drained.
6. Maybe the creator isn't into it anymore because of negative comments like yours.
7. Maybe the creator is tired of people acting like his boss over the work and content that he creates on his own.
8. Maybe the creator needed time to recharge his creativity so he could give his best work.
9. Maybe the creator was sick and not feeling well.
10. And for my last reason, Maybe the creator was busy with his 2 other projects. One just had a massive update and the other is a newly released Demo.
I'm willing to bet it's reason #10.
I have no doubt you'll have a huge issue with my response and I honestly don't care. The fact is, you don't create or assist with these updates and have no right to criticize the creator on the timeline to release updates.
I don't think you realize how much time, effort, and creativity goes into making a visual novel. Especially one with multiple paths to follow. It's complicated work that takes a lot of time to make it come together. I'd really like to see you try creating one. I'm guessing your impatience would cause you to fail miserably.
What are you hoping to accomplish with your negative comments?
Do you think it'll make the creator bow down to serve your needs?
Do you think it'll push them to work faster?
Do you think attacking anyone with something positive to say makes you the bigger person?
Do you really think your words will influence anyone to jump on your negative bandwagon?
And lastly, do you really think your words influenced the update to come out any faster?
It's cool that you like the work the creator does but I highly suggest that if you don't want to wait on updates, then download novels that are already completed. Or maybe create your own visual novel and leave people alone. Maybe you'll be a happier person and stop bullying others. Stop being a jerk.