In the settings menu there's a restart level option, aside from that the main menu looks gorgeous.
The game has stunning art and sound design.
The game crashed a lot for me.
I found a bug where if i run into the first person, the walking animation wouldn't stop and i could hear footsteps and the camera shaking.
You can pause with the ESC key but you can't unpause with the ESC key.
You forgot to tell the player that you have to interact with the E key in the game's page i think.
I think there should be more indications of where we have to go, i had trouble finding the spot to drink the whiskey.
The platforming section was tedious, the cat chasing you should have an animation i think, to make it more menacing.
Having to press control and shift to slide may be a little annoying.
When you die you respawn instantly and if you were going forward, it doesn't register the key press so i have to un press it and do it again to move.
I don't know if it's due to my slow frame rate but the cat was faster than me in the second level, it was imposible to win.
A shame i couldn't see this to completion but good job to your team regardless.