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Cool game. I wasn't able to make it up to the higher platforms, but maybe that's just me not finding the right route! Also, the trash hitting me didn't actually take HP off (or it didn't show in the health bar, anyway), so I realized I could just keep doing my thing and ignore them xD

Overall, I liked the idea of cleaning up the streets, and I think the controls had a pretty unique feel to it!  With a bit of tweaking, it could make a really good parkour style game, focused on speed and accurate jumping. E.g. you could alter the theme to a street racer, bouncing off buildings etc - or even a skateboarding game. I see a lot of potential here and can see you worked hard on the mechanics to make them a little different.

Constructive feedback - Bullets should damage player. Some platforms felt unreachable (but may have been me rather than the design!). Wall jump felt a little heavy and short compared to the rest of the mechanics - if you stick with the slippery controls (which I actually liked!) I would make the wall jump much more bouncy so you can keep the momentum!

Just a random opinion/idea: If you were to expand the levels/game, I would also aim to design the level in a way that encourages the player to keep their finger down on that move button to keep up the speed! E.g. with platforms placed in such a way that, if you time your jumps right, you have an uninterrupted pace (apart from areas specifically intended for wall jumping).

Sorry, lots of feedback there! I hope it helps, though - or at least inspires!

P.S. I also love the taunt and the backflip jump! :)

Hey thanks for all the feedback, in future I'll probably try adding extra pointers on where to go to avoid confusion, as for the trash not damaging, that might be a bug as its damaged me on all my playthroughs, or maybe it just seems that way because of the split second invincibility you get from dashing or that little cooldown period you have after sustaining damage, glad you liked the controls, was actually very inspired by skating games and momentum based games when creating the movement, I plan on expanding the project a bit, giving the option for differing playstyles based on optional upgrades/tradeoffs which do appear in this demo, but you probably didn't get too if you had trouble platforming, but I greatly appreciate all the thought that went into your response regarding the games design