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(1 edit)

Did I mention this would be free? Did you not see Fallen Angel Olivia's Octopath Traveler's battle system paid plugins? Of course every job deserves to be rewarded for the work done, especially if you specifically requested it, that's a given. πŸ˜‰

If you like and get along with a specific plugins maker, then you can hire them to make all of the plugins that you need for your game and pay them for everything at once instead of paying each plugin. πŸ˜‰

Also, since you like RPGs, this is a challenge to yourself to develop and use your charisma to convince other people to help you just like Tom Hall managed to convince Eidos Interactive to keep funding Anachronox even though Eidos was ruined because of having invested too much into Daikatana and was aware that Anachronox would NOT be profitable, they still made the unprofitable decision to keep funding Anachronox to the end all because of Tom Hall's charisma. Keep in mind something very important which is that RPGs are designed from how the real world works as in we evolve from our experiences the more we try things and intelligence and charisma opens all doors. πŸ˜‰

Yeah, you got your point across, you can't bear to depend on anyone but yourself, however keep in mind that rejecting offered generosity is just as selfish as ungratefully taking advantage of it because both are driven by untamed ego, never forget this. πŸ˜‰

So? Did you learn anything from making Empty-66822? Did it make you earn experience? Do you think you could make it better now? πŸ€”

This is why I eventually grew disgusted of japanese culture even though I have been an otaku for a decade because I eventually figured out that japanese culture is among the most hypocritical cultures in the world, they sell the opposite of what they actually are and do, conformist employed adults fantasize about independent extra-ordinary students as if life was over as soon as they graduate from school and becomes pointless after school life, they admire independent characters whereas they are the most conformist people in the world, porn is legal and is even the 2nd most lucrative industry in Japan yet actually showing genitals is prohibited, japanese people fantasize so much about helpless girls being raped that their hentai industry features almost exclusively rape porn, and as to be expected, Japan has the highest rate of rapes in the world, japanese society treats women like shit and they are taught to like it, japanese women never express pleasure in porns, they express only shame as if they were not allowed to enjoy themselves, only to be used by men, almost all hentai are about girls getting raped by tentacles and it is always the same unoriginal thing and not only in hentai, they pretend to be imaginative and creative however all that they produce is actually the same, being manga, anime or video-games, they all follow the same patterns, you already experienced a few japanese fictions then you actually experienced all because they actually have no imagination and endlessly repeat the same patterns again, again and again, moreover their society is all about S&M because all of their relationships revolve around dominating/submissive, they are clueless about fair relationships because their society is one of the most unfair in the world and yet, they are too busy fantasizing about the opposite of what they are than to actually fix the mess that their culture is, I genuinely grew sick of japanese culture and I can't stand it anymore even though I have been a clueless otaku for a decade until I eventually figured out they are hypocrites who sell the opposite of what they are and do, they trap people into their extra-ordinary matrix so people live into their fabulous matrix, don't see actual Japan and don't try to fix the mess that it actually is. πŸ˜’

I'd love to see some Persona about an unemployed dude in his 30s, haha. I think that would be awesome.

This is EXACTLY what I want to make! Well, not a Persona because I never played any of them and I think I made my disgust for japanese culture unmistakably clear already therefore there is no way in hell that I will inspire myself from anything japanese because there is actually not much good material to take from them as everything they make is the same and everything they make is hypocritical, I appreciate occidental fictions more partly for their actually credible characters and I actually want to make occidental JRPGs as in mature 2D RPGs which feature as much personality as JRPGs (but not as unoriginally stereotypical as them) as opposite to generic occidental RPGs and as much credibility as occidental fictions (except Gordon Freeman who is a scientist who behaves more like a Rambo than an Einstein 😏) as opposite to unrealistic childish japanese fantasies, I want to extract the best from both styles then balance them and add my own ideas to develop my own style. πŸ˜‰

First rule of games making that every good games makers know: You have to make a game that you would enjoy playing yourself. πŸ˜‰ This is the difference between people who want to be paid to make games and people who make games because they want to get paid. πŸ˜‰

I am not doing anything anymore currently and to be honest, I am more looking forward to help you make your game than making mine because you already started yours and it only requires improvements, which is far easier than starting from scratch as I struggled to start mine whereas I have already provided you with a complete plan to improve yours just by playing it and giving you a thorough feedback including suggestions to improve upon what you already made, didn't I? πŸ˜‰

Oh. And as one alien man once said: ""Done" is better than "perfect"".

Who is this alien man? I understand and I approve of what he said. πŸ™‚

No, it's not as if you were obsessed or anything, it merely occupied your mind for a few years until you couldn't take it anymore and had to make it happen to free yourself from this thought, this was definitely not an obsession... 😏

I see, your grandfather was perfectionist, I know too well this curse of never ever being satisfied of what we do because we can always improve it, Leonardo Da Vinci was burdened with this curse too because he said that he was never ever satisfied of anything he made because his hand was not at the level of his mind, which is why the greatest artists are never ever satisfied of what they make even though they are admired and they are admired specifically because they never stop improving their works and therefore produce the greatest works that people already satisfied of their works could never produce but this curse of perfectionism is an exhausting burden to wear, I can tell you that much. πŸ˜“

Erm... Are you aware that your whole story is contained within one single hidden scene of your game when Mari explains what is actually going on because the rest of your game is a mess which doesn't actually tell any story and I had no idea what was going on until Mari told the game's story? πŸ˜… I mean, I started as an ordinary high-schooler, living in my parents' ordinary house with my sister (who I still don't know if she is my big sister or my little sister since she is a generic sister without even an actual name πŸ˜…), going to school, playing games with my insufferable best friend (who was such an asshole to girls that I was expecting him to grow jealous of my popularity with girls because I respect them and eventually turn into an antagonist that I would enjoy beating up and humiliating 😏)  and blatantly hitting on his sister with who I understood I shared a mutual crush and with who we shared our first passionate kiss (which is why I was SOOOOO disappointed when I discovered that SHE was my companion all along that we never interacted with each other to resume where we left off before everything! 😫 But then again, it is not as if your game actually told a consistent story or anything. πŸ˜…), I met an alcoholic adult woman who treated me to diner into a restaurant, then one morning, I met my father for the first time when he came to me to request that I help him in our basement then the screen faded in black and when it displayed again, nothing made sense anymore (which is why I told you that everything in your game before the point when we meet L-412 is inconsistent 😟) because my ordinary basement had unexplainably turned into an underground facility out of nowhere so I climbed the stairs back up to figure out what was going on only to find that my house too had unexplainably changed and it was night even though it was bright morning when my father came into my room and my family was nowhere to be found even though they should be home at night, so I explored the mysterious underground facility which unexplainably replaced my basement, I read this memo from an anonymous company's employee:

So since this underground facility was full of sci-fi machinery including a sci-fi generator which didn't fit into the ordinary nowadays world where I lived up to this point, replaced my ordinary basement out of nowhere, and its own employees themselves had trouble recognizing their own facility and were puzzled, I theorized  that this underground facility came from another more advanced world because they were experimenting with multiverse theories and their experiments were distorting space, which is why the facility's employees struggled to recognize their own facility as some space seemed to come from nowhere, until their last experiment moved them from their original world into mine at the place of my basement and that all inconsistencies and anomalies that I was experiencing was because some parallel worlds were mixing up into a chaotic mess and this theory of mine ACTUALLY MADE SOME SENSE into your messy world so I stuck to it until disproven whereas the truth is that you made the abandoned house at night and underground facility BEFORE you made the inhabited house with an ordinary basement and you didn't pay attention to the fact that they did NOT fit together. Then I got stuck and I read the walkthrough because I had missed the screwdriver because you hided the way to it behind decoration and so I backtracked many times without finding it until I read the walkthrough then I FINALLY found the screwdriver that I needed to unlock "my house"'s bathroom door where I found an unconscious stranger woman without arms and since she was wearing a high-tech military suit, this confirmed my theory that another more advanced world collided with mine or so I thought. Upon touching her, she awakened, even though I am fairly certain that someone who had their arms ripped so violently that the room is full of blood could not survive but oh well, it's not as if everything up to this point made sense anyway so I ignored this one more illogical thing and got in with the game when she asked me who I was and how did I get here, which is what I wanted to ask HER since she was a STRANGER into MY house but since my character was a generic character without a personality and mute, I had to listen to her without answering anything nor asking anything, and since I couldn't answer her questions, she shrugged it off with a "Whatever" which should be the title of this game since it perfectly sums it up: "Whatever", it's not as if this game makes any sense anyway. 😏 Then she suggested that I "had to" help her get out of here and she was right because "choosing" to help her was actually my only option, which made me question why was it even presented like a choice if there was only one option. Then I returned to the underground facility which was now suddenly full of ghosts who came from nowhere just like the facility itself then I encountered my first boss battle which was against...a chair... And you know what? I am already exhausted summing up this game even though I barely started, my brain is already overloading and the whole game keep getting absurd and nonsensical until the only one scene in the whole game which makes some sense when Mari tells the whole game's story into a single dialogue because the rest of the game doesn't actually have a story and you claimed that the story is your favorite part of this game when it is almost nonexistent? πŸ˜… Oh boy, we'll see indeed... πŸ˜…

If you like and get along with a specific plugins maker, then you can hire them to make all of the plugins that you need for your game and pay them for everything at once instead of paying each plugin.

Yes. That's exactly how things should be done. But it requires careful planning. And the cost? Absolutely, it's $$$. I just don't have that much money to pay for everything. My job gives me about $300 a month, lol. Even for my country it's like very-very not good pretty small moneu. If I show a random girl on the street my paycheck, she'll do one of two things:
- Laugh

- Run and scream in terror.

Also, since you like RPGs, this is a challenge to yourself to develop and use your charisma to convince other people to help you

Yeah. Not a bad plan. You know that guy Airdorf with his FAITH? He manage to get a lot of help from other peoples. I listened his interview with wendigoon and Airdorf in his own words, was very fortunate that New Blood Publishing reached out to him. But unfortunately, this path is not for me. First: the first chapter of FAITH was already very good, so it's not surprising that he was quickly noticed. Second: I live in a non-English speaking country, plus... well, it's a long story. What I wanted to say is that relying on other people won't work for me, at least not right now. I try to do everything myself (except music, because it's very difficult for me and time-consuming). This allows me to work at my own pace, not worry about the financial side of development and just have fun. Yes, I think I can put together a small team of my fellow countrymen, but as practice shows, without income from the project, the "dream team" will quickly fall apart, because everyone has their own life and all that....

So I prefer to be on this wild ride alone.

however keep in mind that rejecting offered generosity is just as selfish as ungratefully taking advantage of it because both are driven by untamed ego, never forget this.

Hahahaha. Yeah. True. It's just really hard for me when I owe people, and they start expecting things from me....

So? Did you learn anything from making Empty-66822? Did it make you earn experience? Do you think you could make it better now?

Yep. I learned a few things, but it's really just a some basic stuff maybe.

As for Japanese culture... Well, the Japanese way of creating stories is very repetitive in nature. As for everything else, I've never been to Japan or interacted with Japanese people long enough. All my practical knowledge is limited to one person who was a teacher at a place I used to visit often. She was a lot of fun to talk to and generally be around. Japan has its problems, but that goes for my country as well as, unfortunately, any other country.

First rule of games making that every good games makers know: You have to make a game that you would enjoy playing yourself. πŸ˜‰ This is the difference between people who want to be paid to make games and people who make games because they want to get paid. πŸ˜‰

True. The sad thing is that I've barely played games for about a decade now. First I had severe depression that has now taken the form of "mild chronic inconvenience" due to academic problems, then several family tragedies happened almost one after another, and now (this is a thread for adult game, so I can say it clearly) my job is having sex with me on a 5/2 schedule for about $300, as I said above. So I WANT to make a game, that's for sure, but what kind of game do I want to play myself? I have no idea... It's been a long time since I've gotten excited about any games.

Hahaha. Well, the story does need some polishing. But I had planned from the beginning that the story would be... eehh... like... this? An incoherent mess, but it's mostly fine with me.

I'm sorry you had to sit through all this :(

(7 edits)

Nah, RPG Maker costs 100$ already, and the complete pack of Yanfly's plugins which includes countless plugins costs only 30$ and even less in sales times so you get my point? If you could buy RPG Maker then you can buy packs of plugins. πŸ˜‰

If I show a random girl on the street my dick, she'll do one of two things:
- Laugh
- Run and scream in terror.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself and I can't stop laughing my ribs off! 🀣

I never heard of the people and the things you mentioned, care to explain? 😏

I will quote a movie about optimism which has been my favorite movie ever for a time: "Two wolves are fighting each other. One is optimistic and hopeful whereas the other is pessimistic and desperate. Which one will defeat the other? The one that you choose to feed." πŸ˜‰

Neither do I and yet we are speaking english, you made your game in english and I will make my games in english, because there is no such thing as a non-english speaking country as explained there 😏:

Either you buy what you need from people during development so you don't have to share your income with them when you sell your games either you put together a small team dedicated to making games together and then you don't need to pay them during development because you will share income fairly among the team when you sell your games. πŸ˜‰

Yeah, I got you, you can't bear to owe anything to anyone, you hold onto your independence for dear life, which I can respect, however remain careful to not turn self-centered either as I warned you, remain open to others because we are all parts of the same world, that's one more thing that you should never forget, trust me. πŸ˜‰

So? What are the basics that you learned from making Empty-66822?

True, everyone has their own flaws, however not everyone is equally flawed and Japan is so much flawed that it is astonishing that it even functions at all as this self-destructing culture should already have collapsed.

The sad thing is that I've barely played games for about a decade now.

And this is your worst mistake because you basically forgot why you wanted to make games in the first place because you forgot that you are a player before being a games-maker, you should NEVER stop playing games even while you are developing your own because you should NEVER forget why you love games to begin with!

Here, play this to take a break from your issues and to remind yourself why you love games, this is the game that I am currently playing because playing your game reminded me of it since I already played it a few years ago and I have been ITCHING to share it with you and I held back because I didn't want to influence you with another game but you know what? CURSE IT because you NEED to remind yourself that you are a player before being a games-maker so here you go, take it and play it!πŸ˜‰

And I'm gonna gift you my favorite RPG Maker game so far as well and since I bought it for you, as in I spent some of my limited money just to gift this game to you, then you owe me to play and enjoy it as I wish, to repay your imposed debt to me because you can't stand to owe anything to anyone, can you? I got you as I told you so now you have to play and enjoy my gift as you owe it to me. πŸ˜ΌπŸ˜‰

There you go, you already got 2 games to play and there is only 1 thing left for you to do now: Enjoy them! πŸ˜‰

Wait, your job is having sex with you on fixed hours and you get paid a fixed monthly salary? Do you have a boss who pays you to masturbate? Are you a cam-sex-worker or something? πŸ€”

You have no idea which kind of games you want to play? Then how about which games did you enjoy the most playing? πŸ˜‰

And since it has been a long time since you got excited about any games then which games did get you excited in the past?

Reality disappointed your expectations and you have grown sour and pessimistic, always assuming that everything can only disappoint you and therefore that nothing is worth your attention and your time. Then under these conditions, things can only exceed your expectations since you always expect the worst from everything, nothing can disappoint you anymore, then you are under the conditions to appreciate everything and you only need to try things now. Depression doesn't make everything awful, it only makes you expect only awful things and all that it takes to defeat this mental prison is to not expect anything at all and take things as they come.πŸ˜‰

Then you don't actually want to tell any story if all that you want to tell is "an incoherent mess". What is even the point? πŸ€”

But hey, tell you what, since you actually want to make an incoherent mess, then how about using my theory of alternate realities mixing up together into an incoherent mess that I came up with while playing your game for me to make some sense into your incoherent mess, which would let you make the incoherent mess that you want to make and actually justify it with a story which actually makes some sense? And if you are more into dark fantasy than science-fiction then you could just adapt my original scientific theory of multiverse experiments going wrong with a dark ritual to summon an eldritch entity from another realm which connected parallel realms together and they are mixing up into a chaotic mess and there you go, that works as well so how about it? πŸ˜‰

Well. Now I'm obviously gonna play this games. You've put me in a difficult position.... Thank you.

I never heard of the people and the things you mentioned, care to explain?

Google can explain it better than I can. But overall a very fun game. Especially the third part.

Wait, your job is having sex with you on fixed hours and you get paid a fixed monthly salary? Do you have a boss who pays you to masturbate? Are you a cam-sex-worker or something?

Well. I'm exaggerating, of course. It's just that I'm working here, wasting my time and nerves. Any job is an exchange of time for money, but mine just doesn't want me to have any free time at all it seems... and don't want to pay me at all... I've put the demo I was talking about on the shelf for now. Going to β€œREMAKE” EMPTY. Not sure how long that will take. Hopefully, a reasonable amount of time.

Hey, what are friends for if not to put you into difficult positions to get you out of your comfort zone which has grown into your prison and make you discover new things? πŸ˜‰

I am still playing Titans of Illumia so if you want to share our experiences playing it, I suggest you start with it then keep Ouroboros for next, I might even play it again at the same time as you so we might share our experiences playing it as well. πŸ˜‰

Google can explain nothing as I thoroughly boycott it, I search with Ecosia. πŸ˜‰ But since you are the one who introduced this topic into the discussion, then you are the one who has to explain it. 😏

If you do not enjoy your job, then you better not waste any more of your limited lifetime for an activity which means nothing to you so you can dedicate your limited lifetime left to things which actually mean something to you. As Confucius stated it: "Choose a job that you enjoy doing and then you will not have to work a single day of your life." πŸ˜‰

Any job is an exchange of time for money

Did you actually watch the movie Time Out as I suggested you? πŸ˜‰

If you are waiting to have free time then you will waste your life waiting because time doesn't give itself on its own, you have to actively take it yourself and you have it only when you are determined to take it. 😼

If you do not enjoy your job and it doesn't even reward you for putting up with it then why are you even wasting your time and energy with it if it only takes from you and gives you nothing in return? πŸ€”

My offer still stands, I will assist you in remaking your first game as best as I can. πŸ˜‰