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Nice graphics ! I like the art and the idea, maybe the sound effects could be a little bit more transformed ? Also, I find the controls a bit weird, (on azerty keyboard, M and T are more far apart than on qwerty, but still, why not left / right click, or two closer keys ?)
If you want to continue working on it, I realized that when you jump and use the M key while jumping, the light array disconnects from your character and does its own life on another part of the screen.
Maybe in terms of artistic choices, it's a bit weird to have on one side, a brightful and cute character, while evolving in a very dark dungeon ?

Thanks a bunch for the feedback! 😊

I’m glad you liked the graphics and the concept. I’ll work on improving the sound effects—made with a cheap mic while my grandma was loud and the AC was buzzing, so thanks for understanding!

I just realized today that the AZERTY layout could be an issue. The controls were chosen randomly when I was tired—oops, sorry! I’ll fix that.

I’ll also address the light array bug and think about tweaking the contrast between the character and dungeon.

Really appreciate your input—it’s super helpful!

I agree about M and T being a weird choice of controls. In the end the best solution is to eventually add the option to map controls.

However I disagree about the artstyle! I think the cute character and the cute "good" monsters gives the game its personality. It has that "brave kid on an adventure" feel, like some of the Zelda classics (Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker), or maybe like Undertale.