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Nice game!

Upgrading felt pretty rewarding, especially getting the first few.
When I was just mining my own business and saw different ores for the first time I actually got excited about it, because I wasn't anticipating it.

Very fitting graphics and a cool soundtrack (although it got repetitive somewhat quickly).

The only thing I didn't really like about the game was the scoring system. Felt like it was meant for a different game.
Especially with the upgrades and the best strategy being just to hold the up key without ever deviating to get the furthest wasn't that great.

The game is way more enjoyable when you aim to make money, instead of trying to get as far as possible. Especially because the upgrades for the minions don't do anything for getting a better score.


Hey there! Thank you for playing! I see where you are coming from with the scoring system, but the issue is that in my opinion it was kinda the lesser of two evils. On one hand, you have the system I implemented where you spend most of your playing time optimizing and maxing out your build and then making on big run for the high scores OR make the money the score and have players simply mine a bit of the environment, go backwards into the lava and repeat over and over again (since the money saves between rounds)

However I did make most of this game overnight so there is 101% chance I missed other options and would love to hear your ideas!

You could've counted the score in the current run separately from the main score and took that as the scoring. :)
It's actually not uncommon for games like this to use a score that get's converted to money after the level ends.


That's a good idea, now the issue I could see coming up is what is the insentive for the player to crawl deeper in the mines? Thanks for bouncing ideas around with me!


The better ores go hard.

If you wanted to get the minions there, that's already a lot of digging, because then you wouldn't be able to just tunnel, because they can't follow.