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A member registered Apr 23, 2017 · View creator page →

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Congrats on winning! Well deserved. :)

These turned out great. Nice poses! The profile on the water character turned out very strong and the pattern on the clothes is also really cool.

Wow, that's really nice of you! ♥️♥️

I don't think that I agree with you though. Especially because your character designs are so strong. (Also check out applesauce!'s if you haven't already)

Yo, these look very cool! 

I like that your showing so much of the characters. Cool designs!

Thank you! 

I drew comics as a kid like this. Was pretty much the thing I enjoyed the most about the jam to get into the exaggerated expressions again. 

As a side note, I tend to imitate the expressions while drawing/pixeling so I was put into a naturally good mood while making these. :D

These turned out very cute. Love the blue haired girl. <3

Hey! Thank you very much! <3

I don't pixel that much so I don't know if it's a common size but I made all of these in 48x64

These are genius! 

Love the designs and the pixel art is amazing!

Cool idea to interpret the theme in the literal painting sense.

Your chosen title card is killer! Although the two sculpture are also really cool!

Thanks man! Appreciated <3

(1 edit)

yo, I hope you submit your work anyways. Would be a shame to have one submission less, because of some miscommunication.

I wouldn't worry too much over the competitive aspect in jams in general, it's an easy way to turn sour on them.

Yo! I'm totally into the looks of these. Cool style. Especially golden boy. :D

I like these! The shapes and expressions are very creative and they are fun to look at.

In general I like the style more without the outlines. They look a tad too jagged imo.

These look very cute! Expert use of shading as well!

The bird is my favorite so far, he's got great expression and the beak turned out very well.

yoo! The face rendering looks amazing! Great job.

shading was too noisy

hm, guess I'm not that into generic looking stuff. :)

(1 edit)

Hope it's fine to post some progress shots here. Don't know about the subjects yet, but just started with some style exploration.

Hey! Thank you for the indepth reply!
A lot of the things you've mentioned are on my todo for tinkering.
An offline version isn't on a table though, because the game was made in a 100% web engine and I make use of html/css for the ui, but maybe I should download vivaldi to figure out if I can avoid freezes.

Thank you! :)

aww! Thanks for checking the game out man, hope you are doing well!
The targeting is them just steering towards the player, but because they have to accelerate physically they always drag behind the player a bit.

oi! Thanks for checking the game out!
Rip level up screen though haha

Alright, thanks for checking again. :)
Was really curious about the issue.

Could be great. Had fun creating cards, losing them felt awful though.

oh! That's kinda surprising, wasd shouldn't work different than arrow keys at all, can I ask you which browser/os you are on?

Thanks for the comment though :)

Yo this is pretty neat. The mechanics are straight forward and easy to grasp. 
Feels like as a puzzler the level design should be a little more locked down though.

Reading your previous comments I guess that's a bit due to the time constraints of the jam... although I gotta admit clearing a level with the corpse of my player felt awesome :D

Really cool presentation and the feedback felt very polished!

oh wow! Thank you! That means quite a bit coming from you. <3

If your curious how the snake brain works. It will always seek out the food in the order it was spawned BUT if it has direct line of sight of any food, including the player it will rush towards it.

So the intended gameplay was to grow the snake and make it bite it's tail by flaunting yourself behind one of it's segments.
Originally I wanted this to be in the Tutorial, but I forgot to put it in. :(

Agreed with the movement - it's my biggest gripe with the game. :/

Nice graphics and music. The game starts a bit slow, i think more frogs could spawn earlier.

There are some levels that hit a sweet spot of difficulty where it feels  really great to sneak a shot through. Sadly on later levels the framerate drops to unplayable levels, so I wasn't able to finish the game. :(

Great art and well executed simple gameplay. :)
Would love an option to revert the mouse drag (eg I'd liked to pull the ball instead of pushing it)

Neat concept. Setting a level up is pretty cool.
Although I had some gripes:
Moving blocks with physics and frequent pits led to some frustration, I would've preferred to have more control over block placement (maybe via drag&drop) over trying to shove a block with the exact needed force to not overshoot the target position.
Also the Huge Xs in the background where somewhat distracting and made it hard to focus on the foreground objects.

The hand drawn messages and tutorials where a neat touch and having in-game hints is amazing for a game jam title!

Very cool game. At times this gives the same feeling of proper dodges in bullet hell  games!

I could imagine this being a great time waster on mobile.

The music goes hard! Also a cool concept - but it's sometimes easy to lose track of what's happening, when special blocks break. At some point I had an explosion of like 6 balls flying around quickly decimating the whole level. :P

I liked the game and the minimalist aesthetic is a good fit!

I think the biggest room for improvement is in the realm of UX. You see the player leveling up after every wave, but there's no real way to keep track of what the players stats currently are. Ideally I would know which 'build' the player is going for and then have a choice to react to that via different unit prioritization. 

So yeah! Promising concept, could do well with an additional design pass and some added units. :)