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Will respond to teh oterh things soon but to answer all your questions:

-Why does Medusa's Gaze actually end the turn?
Because "Defense Break" to all foes is very powerful with good setup. But maybe skill could inflict a feew aditional debuffs to amke up for it.

Who does she refer to?
-To Nana and the Player. Nah just kidding xD It actually is a carry over, will correct that mistake!

-Please add some fly arrows here
Why? is there something on teh other side, would need to look it up, don't know right out of my head right now.

-Also meant to be unsolvable unless field skill? Is the field skill in already?
You probaly know already since you got the form, but yes that ability is in the game.

-Ifrit's Fire Cape
That is a display error in menu it actually does way more as you noticed, will correct that!

-What use are the Phoenix Feathers in battle?
They are needed for some of the forms skills.

-Pretty sure I bought one CD reduction at the dojo and my skill level was 8, which leaves me with a CD of 12 normally, so I feel cheated.
Must be a bug, will look into it. Cooldown still longer after the fight as it should be?

-How do I find the Casino Quest?
You mean the quest giver? She is in a house in the northern part of town.

-Where can I repair the smartphone?
Yes, in research lab after completing the story there. There will be a new point seeable point that can be interacted with

-Still don't know, where the last two fairy vine seeds are
Yes three buyable: Supermarket, Casino and Flower Shop in Western Plains.
Two findable in fairy buds: Frozen Tundra and Fairy Forest

-I noticed this:
That is the spot for fox demon not dog.

-Also, I can't find the Bee demon enemy.
One of the hardest one to find in the game probaly. In the flower shop, can only be reached at night with mouse.

-Phoenix TF in the volcano and the secret TF #2
Sounds about right!

-I suppose you never tested getting Phoenix TF without Dragon TF.
Phoenix (0.6) was in the game before dragon (0.8) so I was forced to test it without. But I didn't had taht bug. Will look into it!

If I missed anything, feel free to as again!

(14 edits) (+1)

-Please add some fly arrows here
Why? is there something on teh other side, would need to look it up, don't know right out of my head right now.

Convenience. The left side is the way to the lamia ruins. If you walk down the right side, you have to back up the entire way and to navigate a small maze.

-Pretty sure I bought one CD reduction at the dojo and my skill level was 8, which leaves me with a CD of 12 normally, so I feel cheated.
Must be a bug, will look into it. Cooldown still longer after the fight as it should be?

The issue is that in the fight the CD was NOT reduced.

-How do I find the Casino Quest?
You mean the quest giver? She is in a house in the northern part of town.

The fuwa dolls? I thought there would be more to it.

-I noticed this:
That is the spot for fox demon not dog.

Where is then the dog demon? Oh, found it, I had it incorrectly marked in notes and misremembered where the location points to.

This looks like a debuff icon, not buff icon:

How does Xia gain Blazing?

Further dialog: "turn abck" instead of "turn back".

"I never ask" instead of "I never asked".

Can't get to these chests.

When challenging demons, the default selection should be "No" to avoid accidentally suiciding yourselves.

The Dragon War WU of 5 makes this basically useless in normal fights. Only draggy boss fights would be able to access this skill. Then it is a matter of playstyle if the sacrifice of defense is worth the increase of offense.

Also in regards to Power stacks, I noticed now Third Tail grants 5 of them, which is nice, but requires then at least 2 rounds of fighting to have an effect. The dragon demon fight did drag, in particular, as it healed up itself from sure defeat to full again. I also died the first round because of likely the Dragon War effect, being alone in the party, which can't be deactivated afterwards. I got 23 stacks of power in that fight, which matches my expectations.

Defeated the Dragon demon, but got Phoenix trait?

No, I fought in Dragon form the Phoenix demon, as apparently both are in the same place. Had two fights consecutively with no breaks. But started with 23 power stacks and ended with 33. That's without artificially dragging out anything.

Xia says she wants to help, but doesn't join the party? Ah, I see, she doesn't automatically join, unlike the other party members.

No way to examine the status of enemies in combat?

Can this riddle be actually solved? I tried all for combinations and the closest I got was the green tile in the upper left.

In regards to above dialog, I would prefer to be able to override the denial. I had to remove every team member and readd after getting Phoenix TF. Also, Xia should comment on this.

I'm quite disturbed that I missed so much here.

Alternative scan result:

Running around I did find the fairy seed and this:

I suspect my stuff is inside there, but where is the key?

Nightvision goggles are indeed in the volcano.
(1 edit)

The cooldown should be fixed now.

There is a second quest that only appears in guild after finishing the casino Quest but besides that they have no purpose. One plan i had for them was: That you could place them in your home in town but I never came around yet to program that in. So maybe in the future they gain more uses.

Xia gains blazing by taking dmg from enemies. She can gain 1 blazing each turn that way.

Chest got alrady reported, willl be fixed in next version!

Reduced the warm up now to 2 for a test.

Yeah that is a bug that was areported as well, fixed it already. That wasn't intentional! It was happening because dragon and phonix shared the same Area ID.

Actually version 0.8 added a item named the Hero's Charm, whoever equips it can analyse enemies. It is in a new cave in the forest of beginnings.

No the puzzle can't be solved, I made a mistake, got already fixed and will be doable in next patch.

The locked place you found is part of a hidden secret quest, none of the collectibles are in there.

If I forgot to respond to anything feel free to tell me! And thanks for all the reports^^