Also, in the dialog there, you spell "exit" as "exist".
Could not find it. Do you remeber in which part that sentence was?
IIRC, I was talking to Xia during the escape from the lab. Likely at the end when we were back in the volcano.
Which reminds me, why was Xia not affected by the heat? And why doesn't she have ear feathers like Nana?
Do you plan to redraw Shira and Serafina and Nana's Fox and Kitsune forms to be more consistent?
-Noticed the 5 round wait for resurrections.
Making it any shorter would make the player pretty much invicible.
Maybe it is my playthrough, but I gain hp through the hp regen still, so losing hp and going to die isn't happening as well. I also found the plant shield, which states that it prevents "can't heal" debuffs. Unfortunately it doesn't, but I think it should allow for normal healing. At least 50% of normal with that buff.
In any case, getting the phoenix TF is late end game. I could see a case being made if you could access this as early as bunny tf, but at this point the balance is certainly pushed towards survival, even if you are missing some pieces of your usual arsenal.
From the other post:
Actually version 0.8 added a item named the Hero's Charm, whoever equips it can analyse enemies. It is in a new cave in the forest of beginnings.
Tried it, like that it doesn't eat up a turn. But I actually referred to buffs and debuffs during the combat, like you can check for your team.
Chest got alrady reported, willl be fixed in next version!
I posted two pics there with the same problem. Did you address both?
The locked place you found is part of a hidden secret quest, none of the collectibles are in there.
Then I don't know where else I can find the missing stuff. I've been running around in the overworld (any area that is not covered with a ceiling) at night as wolf to find that mysterious creature which supposedly appeared as well the unique enemies. Basically only dungeons are still left untouched. and I still have not found anything of relevance.
And thanks for all the reports^^
You're welcome!
In the forest home, is there some code preventing to rest repeatedly to grow your garden?
Wolf's Full Moon Swift Swipe may have used 200 ultimate gauge? I only used one ultimate and went from over 200 to under 100.
Also Xia's Past Times interferes with her taking damage. In fact, the whole concept is counterintuitive. The higher level she is, the less opportunity she has to take damage, which includes skills that make it even less likely in general - both herself and from other party members. If she is meant to be the tank, then being attacked should be enough for blazing. Remake possibly Past Times into a tank skill - guaranteed attack from enemies. Or add such a skill regardless. It definitely would not make me investing into her evasion skill counterproductive anymore.
I got already dozen of those:
I still can't tell where the trail leads here. I can't find the third one no matter I look:
Apparently, you can still redo your "dragon" TF:
Jumping back from Angel Gates leads to the mix of day and night:
Other scene transitions restore it. Going to Heavenly Plains screws with code heavily. I ended even up with no mask at the tnry place when returning from exploring the rest of the islands.
Here another "Nana is Jesus".
No Bee attack skills use honey stack?
Sometimes the engine breaks down and misplaces the drawing of one of the double buffers:
It self-stabilizes when saving the game and taking a screenshot apparently.
Where is the last fairy seed? Can't plant other three due to bug/implementation status:
Ok, I did find the the last one in the casino. For what amounts 2.500.000 coins. A sum I've never managed to accumulate so far. And for the fairy seed it is 4.000.000 coins. It looks less, but tokens cost 100 coins each, which is a lot already. If you truly want to have it accessible the "ignore slot machine" way, you need to drop the price by at least 10 somehow. And compare the stuff you can already buy, if the price is around that range. No one buys Ultramine Orb Elixir for 4.000.000 coins, if the vendor does for 82.000 coins.
The casino guy shouldn't bother Nana again with the while spiel, once you pay for the VIP pass. And automatically recognize Nana so it is no longer needed to swipe the card.
I'm doing the casino slots in cat form and while I see regularly 5x black fuwas, I basically saw even a triple of the other colors which pay more. Just twice where I got 500 or 1000 tokens. Do only 3-5 in a row count even and not merely 2 black - 1 other - 2 black for 4 times? Or must this count from beginning? I had 3 blacks in the places and didn't win anything. The RNG seems not smile on me here. It is unfortunate that the game detects, if it out of focus, so I can't just keep in the background running and that way gain the tokens. The game also crashed once.
Running this longer, this isn't actually guaranteed to rise somewhat quickly, hovering around 3000 tokens for quite a while. Cat form is here underrated.
I also can't tell, if I have already all accessories for each form. Could you make quests for that?