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(1 edit) (+1)

So, a complaint; a big one. 

I have 1000 in game days logged with this character and her starting slave, right? so, i have held off the urge to sex her up because i've been too busy managing the other slaves and playing through the campaign. so, i finish the campaign, i have every upgrade possible and the mansion basically runs itself at this point, so i go 'why not'. 

i knock her up.

she accrues 597 stress over the course of ONE NIGHT, and dies after four days because she accrued 1,000 stress after a single day of lactation. she was my favourite slave, broken to all hell with max stats and she could one shot near everything. she was INVALUABLE. she was tough as shit, shrugging off eight bandits wailing on her for five minutes straight with barely a dent to her health.

she died to a single night of lactation.


EDIT: no screenshots because i accidentally forgot to, but the point stands.

That is the most extreme version of this bug that I've heard (and I am sorry to hear that about your slave, I really hope you had saves and/or working autosaves to reload) but that general bug is part of what escalated the Farm Expansion update to the one that I've been working on now. That is the active issue that I'm working on and will be fixed.

My files are all over the place with the new update so I haven't tested this specific code yet but this should limit the stress that slaves can get from Lactation (dramatically limit it). If you're comfortable with editing files, open up in Notepad++ or something and search (Ctrl+F) for dailyLactation. Copy/Paste over everything from #Pressure Stress and Swelling to #Keep the Secret with the following. Hopefully that'll let you keep playing on that save (ideally from a day or two before it went haywire) without that issue.

    #Pressure Stress and Swelling
    pressure = person.lactating.milkstorage - person.lactating.milkmax
    pressure = clamp(pressure, -10, 10)
    if pressure > 0:
        #Chance at Swelling
        if globals.titssizearray.find(person.titssize)*3 < pressure && rand_range(0,100) <= globals.expansion.chancelactationincreasetits + pressure:
            if globals.titssizearray.back() != person.titssize:
                text += "$name's "+ str(person.titssize) +" "+str(nameTits())+ " were so filled and full of pressure that $his body could only handle it by "+str(nameStretching())
                person.titssize = globals.titssizearray[globals.titssizearray.find(person.titssize)+1]
                var hpdamage = round(rand_range(pressure,pressure*2.5))
                text += " to "+ str(person.titssize) +".\nThis caused damage to $his health. [color=red]" +str(hpdamage)+ " Health Lost[color]"
                #Inflict Damage. They won't die from it though.
                if - hpdamage <= 0:
           = 1
                    if - hpdamage >= 0:
               -= hpdamage*2
               = 0
                    text += "Due to $his extremely poor health condition, $his energy has been drastically reduced as well by the incident.\n[color=red]" +str(hpdamage*2)+ "Energy Lost[color]\n"
                    text += "\n"
           -= hpdamage
        #Apply Pressure Stress
        if globals.fetishopinion.find(person.fetish.lactation) >= 3 || person.traits.has('Masochist'):
            person.lust += pressure
            text += "$name's " +str(nameTits())+ " are so "+str(nameStretched())+"that $he would normally feel incredibly stressed by it. Instead, $he is simply [color=green]turned on[/color] by the pain of $his swollen " +str(nameTits())+ ".\n$He gained [color=red]"+str(pressure)+ " Lust[/color]\n"
        elif globals.expansion.settings.lactationstressenabled == true:
            person.stress += pressure
            text += "$name's " +str(nameTits())+ " are so "+str(nameStretched())+" that $he constantly feels the pain from $his achy " +str(nameTits())+ ".\n$He gained [color=red]"+str(pressure)+ " Stress[/color]\n"
        person.lactating.pressure = pressure
    #Keep the Secret (if Possible)

unfortunately all of the autosaves are quite literally just after she gets pregnant and accrues stress, so she is essentially an 'dead' character either way. But, i did pull my collective three brain cells together and i added this script in, tested it with a different character, and noticed that the most stress they ever gained was between two and 50.

in short; the script works, my brain doesn't. 


As long as she is still alive, any of those saves should work as she’s never going to gain that 1k again. I’m glad that got you going for now!

You could open up your save file in a JSON editor and find the slave, and try to set all their lactation/stress-related variables back to 0.

As someone else said, you can still open up the save file (don't need a specific JSON editor, even just np++ or VSC will work) and manually reset her stress

Fix seems to bork my game. 

Any thoughts?

(1 edit)

"Parse Error: Unexpected indent."
" 2525"
Edit: 2525 is the line number of the error(though any lines you changed will have the same error, only the first one is listed)

The text in the browser has spaces instead of tabs, which will likely upset the Godot engine when copying the text from the browser to the text editor. It believes you are missing tabs/indent cause there are spaces instead. Replace groups of 4 spaces with a tab. Some text editors have this functionality built in, otherwise use the "Find and Replace"/"Replace...".

I applied the fix and it worked to quell the problem, for the most part, but now I'm getting these and the day end doesn't work properly anymore (no report window opening, tasks/jobs probably aren't working though some seem to, so not entirely sure there).

SCRIPT ERROR: dailyLactation: Invalid get index 'lactationstressenabled' (on base: 'Dictionary').
          At: user://mods/AricsExpansion/scripts/aricsexpansion/
SCRIPT ERROR: dailyUpdate: Invalid operands 'String' and 'Nil' in operator '+'.
          At: user://mods/AricsExpansion/scripts/aricsexpansion/
SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid operands 'String' and 'Nil' in operator '+'.
          At: res://files/scripts/

Seems that some new code slipped into the hotfix, and the old code doesn't recognized it. Try replacing:

"elif globals.expansion.settings.lactationstressenabled == true:"



Worked like a charm, thank you!

That's the problem with trying to bugfix mid update. Thanks Ank!

Replacing "true" with "else" at that place causes this to happen for me:
It now wont open the slaves personal pages when you click them.

You made a mistake on that line, based on your comment you replaced part of the line with "else". But the intended fix requires you to replace the entire text on that line with "else:".

Ohhh...ok my bad.

Hey, so I'm a big dumbdumb and did...something...i'm not even sure what, but it erased the script below, and when i tried to put it back in I couldn't find again, and I've forgotten where it's located. Could you give me a file reference of where it should be? I don't wanna load it up in case my computer fucking explodes or something without it. 


thanks for that

I am getting the below error can anyone tell me where I am going wrong.


Hard to know exactly, but based on the errors, you probably put the fix code in the wrong function.  When he says find "dailyLactation" there are 2 cases, it looks like you put it after the first rather than the second.

It's not the simplest instructions for those who don't know how to code.  You were supposed to find the code that starts with "#Pressure Stress and Swelling" and ends with "#Keep the Secret (if Possible)" and put the fix there. The code you are replacing should be very similar to the fix.