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Nice concept. Controls felt smooth nice little story ark. Although it would be nice if I could shoot by holding mouse button and didn't have to spam it and I don't know if I missed something but after completing the kill them all (50 enemies) quest it just stayed there and I'm not sure if anything actually happened.

Thanks for playing, I am glad you liked it.
Oh my bad, after you complete that quest you press "2" in keyboard and you can use the new ability, which has a larger size and pierce through enemies, I couldn't prepare a tutorial for that part of the game in time and forgot to update the UI, so it is not visible in toolbar in bottom of the screen, I actually didn't think someone would play that much, thanks for playing that much you are a legend.

As for shoot controlls it was initially hold to attack at first but I planned to add melee attack and increase the atack interval of power balls and made it press to shoot, so it would be like once in 5 secs but a powerful powerball attack, but I couldn't make melee attacks in time, and didn't fix the shooting control later, my bad again, sorry. 


I actually somehow did manage to use the larger powerball but the quest didn't update which confused me. Also am I mistaken or is there a limit to how many of the more powerful ones I can shoot? It felt like I could spam shoot like ~5 of them and then I had to wait for them to reload which is not a bad mechanic but I couldn't see any indicator of that being the case.

Ooh, for performance I used object pool instead of initiating new object each time. It is somewhat acting like interval mechanic, if you shoot too much, you use up all the powerball objects in the pool, and each shoot has 3 seconds lifetime to reset, so if you shoot too fast you eventually trigger something like an ability cooldown which was not intended but I also think it is cool lol :D 

And yes, I couldn't make the quest update mechanic in time. it stays like that, I had kamehameha ready too but time limit  got me, this is my first game jam, I spend toomuch time with details instead of main gameplay, trully all my bad:/


A great game for a first gamejam.. Though this is only my second time so not that I have that much more experience.

Thanks I am trying to try yours now actually :D