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Thanks I am glad you liked it.

Thanks, I am glad you liked it.

Interesting game, cute graphics and fun music, I liked the gameplay, controls are smooth and nice. very well made, congrats


Thanks for the feedback, I am glad you had fun.

Thanks for the feedback, I am glad you had fun :D .

I loved the game idea, unique defending system, it was fun. there are a lot of upgrades to do, great range of content, graphics and sounds are good, I loved the water visuals :D

It is a very good interesting  and fun game, it was awesome, I loved the graphics. Gameplay was fun I survived at first try, I guess it was easy :D . Graphics and Vfx were awesome, good job. controls are smooth and character has a good feeling, well arranged.

sugestions: choosing from diffferent towers to build can be added

Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed.

For me, just his inner power is awaken and his hair turned red, I did not have something spesific in mind :D. If I were, I would interpret it as Super Saiyan 4  with the red hairs.

But, I leave it to the players, if youb want you can think of it like Kaio-Ken as well :D

Thanks I am glad you enjoyed

Thanks for the feedback, noted. it was not intentional, but I thought it is fine, because why would they heal up there is no healer around :D

Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed

I am glad you liked it

Good graphics and enjoyable environment, tutorial is very well made, fisihing is relaxing, sound fx s are good, game has great content, well done

Interesting game idea, solid advanced platformer controls, it is great. good job

(1 edit)

Understand, I am sorry, due to time limit, I was only able to make the game come this far :D , I will try beter next time, and I don't know what happened to the sister, she might be just killed at somewhere else or kidnapped there were several stories, I haven't decided.

Thanks for worrying about the sister XD

I am glad you liked it, there is actually leveling up system (Max level 105 lol), and you unlock 2nd ability after completing quest and you can use a new ability by pressing "2" on keyboard

Thanks for the feedback, yes it needed some more polishing but I ran out of time, sorry :D

You can watch Dragon Ball if you want, it is very fun anime.

Thanks I am glad you enjoyed,

You unlock 2nd ability after completing the quest, which pierce through enemies and has larger size and damage,

I couldn't make he UI updating in time so it is not visible, sorry.

I mentioned in the description, when you press "2" on keyboard it works

Thanks for the feedback,

Pressing 2 works after completing the quest (after killing 50 enemies) You can check quest progress by pressing "L"

this one works I guess 2 pages have same address,  interesting

Thanks for the feedback, noted :)

good word game, good for brain training :D nice job

Here is mine if someone wants to try:

Great graphics, game has a lot of content to try, sounds are good, theme is well implemented, and village structure with layers is awesome idea I love it, great job 

Here is mine if someone wants to try:

(1 edit)

Here is my game if you want to check

(1 edit)

Yo! I am from Turkey, kinda near :D, I am muslim, I guess you found the secret writings, good job :D

hmm, thanks for the tip. I just used it for volume settings saving :D

It follows you until the end of the earth :D , it starts easy and it gets very fun after cars start flying, and flying cow was very funny great job

Here is my game if someone wants to check

Good strategy game with a lot of content to try, graphics and sounds are good, great job

suggestion: a short tutorial would be nice, and multiple randomly playing background musics

Here is my game if someone wants to check

Here is my game if someone wants to check

Wow, what a great feedback I love it, thank you so much, I took note all of this, I was planning to make a game save system but didn't know how to do, because it is my first webgl game :D (I guess I can't write data to json file I am not sure tbh)

After the jam I will upload new version with the fixes and little overall enhancements. specially save game is a must because there is leveling up system and (There is actually exp data for 105 player levels lol :D)

And, thanks a lot for giving it a shot again, appreciated it.

I am glad youb liked it. yeah I think 20 would be enough already :D, I actually decreased it from 100 to 50 in last hours lol, Your game was amazing too, great visuals I still remember :D

Great game, sound fx, graphics are good, controls are advanced and smooth. Game is fun above all. environment is good, wind is well implemented, I love the scenery. Great job.

a suggestion: the background and actual platforms look almost the same, it is very annoying to keep mixing them up :D

Here is my game if someone wants to check

Here is my game if someone wants to check

Cute game with good mehanics, graphics, environment is cool, controls are smooth there is good amount of content with different buildings, great job

Here is my game if someone wants to check

Here is my game if someone wants to check

Thank youu <3, I am glad you liked it :D

Glad to hear that fellow fan :D