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A member registered Feb 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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That's ok. I've already had a comment that the mac build is broken and simply I don't really know what to do with it. So if you're on mac there's nothing you can do about that. Thanks for trying to try it i guess :)

Hey.. Already rated yours so I'll just leave this here:

I might just be unlucky but I swear I got nothing but big and massive storms like 6 times in a row. I'm also confused whether there is coyote time or not as it seems sometimes to let me jump and sometimes not which I thought was me using the double jump but it sometimes just didn't let me jump after walking of a block. Otherwise interesting maze game.

Sorry about that. The tutorial is a mess as it simply saves the amount of selected stones at the end of previous step and looks for lesser number afterwards meaning if you had no selected stone it can softlock because it looks for negative amount. I did not realize that before now so I am truly sorry for that but also thanks for giving my game a try.

Thanks for playing! Already went and rated your game back and left a comment there (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Cool concept loved it. Though I found out that when you use the card that reveals unrevealed cards and you move those cards onto your stack, once the power runs out the cards turn back and if you don't remember what was there you simply have to try out random cards. Also after selecting cards I couldn't figure out how to unselect them apart from shifting through the left top deck, don't know if it has special name.

Hello.. Your game rated and commented on. So for when you have time I'll leave this here:

Interesting game. Although the coins can spawn with half of it on top of pitfall which I don't know whether that was the intention or not.

I see. Thanks for taking your time to try it out again and again I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello. Your game is rated and commented. Here you have my link for when  you have time:

Really well made and balanced game. I enjoyed it so much I actually replayed it after killing the boss. But I'm not sure about the lifetime of the carrots' projectiles as they disappear most of the time before reaching me making them somewhat useless and less dangerous then even the first fruit. Also the projectiles stay on screen after killing everything which seems like and oversight to me. Otherwise really nice game.

Also I do understand how big an inconvenience it is but there is something I would guess to be a binary file called gamejam in the MacOS folder; so if you had time I would love for you to be able to try my game out. But again if you did not want to go around snooping in folders I would totally understand that.

Sorry about that. I do have both windows and linux so I tested those out, but I don't have mac and couldn't test it out. And as I don't even understand how macs work I simply trusted unity to build it correctly.

Hello.. Yours rated and commented, here's mine:

Really cool idea. Though I believe that seeing where the building will be placed or which tile will be destroyed by the lightning would be a great addition as the complete randomness just makes it difficult to add high tier buildings once you've actually placed a few. Otherwise loved the concept.

Hello.. Yours game tried out, rated and commented. Here's mine:

Impressive game, felt good to play though getting killed with one touch seems a little extreme. And I was lucky to have a gamepad literally connected to pc but I can imagine a lot of people not being able to play because of it.

Hello. Already tried and rated your game. Anyhow I'll leave this here:

Really impressive game for one week.  Polished and all. Though it felt a little too easy as all you really need to do is horde units until you have like 50 (which is an overkill) and then enemies stand no chance (as they do not raise in numbers nor attack unless attacked themselves).

I get that a lot. I've made my submission in unity as well and I cannot stress enough how irritating it is to try to find bugs in unity. Compilation takes forever so single line changes are super frustrating and stuff like infinite while loops after big changes are impossible to find because the whole editor freezes and simply doesn't tell you where it froze.

Thanks for playing my game. I don't know whether you have finished the tutorial but you can "delete" (deconstruct) buildings by selecting them while holding control. Though I have probably put that too far in the tutorial as most people seem to not get far enough to learn about that mechanic.

Hello.. Rated your game and also left a comment about my experience there. Also here's my link:

It is a really cool game. I liked it a lot apart from few problems. Well the movement feels a little jank sometimes but that is not such a big deal. The really close camera when outside feels a little too much mainly when moving super fast with upgrades, although I found out that by getting close to the space ship the camera zooms out even outside. Also I don't know if it was intended and I just missed it but when moving the laser weapon around the ship it removed its cooldown killing all enemies basically instantly. Also in the description it says that every 1:30 - 2:00 enemy storm approaches but after playing for a while I am sure that every wave was about 40 seconds.

Yours rated and leaving my link here:

Really funny game. Though it's super tough and almost made me question whether it's even possible. Loved the audio and graphics.

Hello.. Rated your game and leaving my link here:

It is a really cool concept. But there are just few things that I found really annoying. Having dash on E is just strange to say the least and in one level it said to spam shift (which does nothing) so I am just confused why you cannot dash with shift. After all pressing E while trying to press A or D is just inconvenient.  The level showcase is a cool idea, but it being unskippable makes it almost rage inducing in the last level where you have to wait longer than the attempt itself.

Yours rated. Leaving this here:

Great game I enjoyed it. Only thing is that even though it is possible to play with wsad the tutorial doesn't register that. And sometimes it felt like the boat phased through obstacles without the need to go around them. Apart from that great game.

Rated yours and leaving my link here for when you have time:

Well I would have loved if there was a way to make the dialogue faster. For example pressing E would make the current sentence complete instantly. After all not everyone reads at the same pace and it gets really annoying to constantly wait for each new word.

Hello.. I wanted to try your game before posting mine here and I have left a comment there but it wouldn't let me play it basically. Welp anyhow here's mine:

So I love the aesthetic of the game but I have a problem where it doesn't seem to let me throw nor put down items and after the boss kills me the game won't start up again.. I don't know if I misunderstood something and I'd love to actually try it but it just won't let me.

Hello, already rated your game so I'll leave this here for when you have time:

Great game with really nice puzzles. I might have missed something but on first playthrough (which I failed with 3 medkits left to collect (。_。)) I missed the info logs and spent like 5 minutes on the numbered boxes puzzle before realizing that I have completely wrong order. Also the stardew valley fishing like part could have used faster falling as it was, under the stress, quite annoying to wait for it. But a great puzzle game otherwise.

Thanks! It is true that there are some bugs that I would have liked to get rid of but there just wasn't enough time for that. But thanks for playing.

Yours rated. I'll leave my submission here for when you have time:

Cute game although there seem to be a few gamebreaking bugs. First playthrough I did not use the ladder to go into the mines and simply fell and it resulted in me clipping through ground and getting stuck there. On my second playthrough after the 2 miles text I fell into a send pit a presume and could not get out of there. Otherwise seemed like an interesting plot.

Hello.. Already rated your game so if you feel like it you can have a look at mine:

Cool game. Enjoyed it a lot although there didn't seem to really be a use for shelter as I have waisted three wood on it only to not do anything and eat through all my food while the storm was as strong as in the beginning and in the end I just rushed for wood, bridge and to the flag while dodging the storm. Maybe I had a weird luck for generation but otherwise really nice game.