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(4 edits) (+1)

I'll be honest, I actually remember now, I played this once sometime early on, and even with the tutorial in-game, I actually skipped playing it and quit immediately because I couldn't get out of the very first room. 

Now, trying it again, I noticed it may be because the "F" tooltip is placed behind the yellow text, barely can be seen so it may be hard to notice without looking very closely. After that the game made sense to me.

I think to improve it, this very first part in the very beginning should be corrected so the key is displayed prominently, and not so close to the yellow text (and definitely not behind it). Ironically, it's displayed well on every other part except the very beginning. This isn't game breaking, so it should only be done after the jam, if at all.

This is a very interesting game, really funny choice to have Goku as the main character.

It might be better to have a Skip button at the very beginning of the game if someone was able to complete the first part entirely (before the storm) at least once.

It might be OK to force them to play it once, but I think after that it may be considered unnecessary padding and should be skippable even after the page is reloaded. Without this, if someone exits the game, they'd have to do the first part all over again. After it was done once  it may feel like padding and may make it less likely that someone who wants to replay the storm part, will play the game again if they have to do the first part again too (luckily it's not that long, but even so it may still be the case that they won't want to play the first part again).

Other than that I think your game is interesting and the storm part seems to work pretty well, nice job on it! 


Wow, what a great feedback I love it, thank you so much, I took note all of this, I was planning to make a game save system but didn't know how to do, because it is my first webgl game :D (I guess I can't write data to json file I am not sure tbh)

After the jam I will upload new version with the fixes and little overall enhancements. specially save game is a must because there is leveling up system and (There is actually exp data for 105 player levels lol :D)

And, thanks a lot for giving it a shot again, appreciated it.

Try to just use PlayerPrefs, I used it in my WebGL game for this jam for high score, and it should work. I'm still pretty new to this stuff, and it was my first time using PlayerPrefs at all in Unity.  


hmm, thanks for the tip. I just used it for volume settings saving :D