So, take this with a grain of salt because I am a white person, but from what I've read in a lot of places, Indigenous people have asked not to use that particular creature in games and things because it's a taboo and a part of the religious beliefs of certain tribes, but again, I'm not an expert! Just something to keep in mind, but I think there's a lot that could still be done with this idea with maybe a few tweaks! 🙂
I appreciate your telling me. I am not indigenous either. I would not want to be disrespectful to anyone. I would not steal another person's culture for a game or any other reason. I do know wendigo are deeply spiritual and not to be used by just anyone.
Windigos are wind spirits from MLP. They are named after wendigo but in no way related. There is also the huricanter, a weather spirit that is the same kind of creature as the windigo. Instead of snow storms it creates hurricanes. I do think there are better weather puns out there. As far as I can find no one was upset by the pun. No one ever claimed they were in any way realated to indigenous culture.