Thank you for the kind words, i kinda have already a post-jam-ish version, but i just added long inserters (inserters that can insert stuff 1 tile further, if you are not familiar with the genre... that's something that changes everything in the gameplay basically, allowing for crazy stuff) was already planning the shortcuts, about drawing conveyors... that's something that i can't even fathom how to do honestly lol, despite the apparences, my knowledge of code it's extremely limited!
Extremely limited is my middle name! :D Joking aside, I’m sure you can figure it out - other people did before :)
I have no idea how Factorio does conveyor stuff, but I think just allowing straight lines (like in OpenTTD) would already improve the UX a lot, and in this case you don’t need pathfinding, continuous polling of the mouse position and stuff like this, just a start and and end tile and a “for” loop to cover the tiles between them with conveyors.