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Andreadbx Games

A member registered Dec 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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Nice and intresting game! love the artstyle!

fun and intresting game! the keybinds are a bit awkward

Thank you very much, nice video!

well, you can use premade assets, say fog systems, physics systems, so don't worry, if its just the base, you can use it! the important is that the game fits our theme :D 

Ehilà! gioco veramente simpatico! Sono uno sviluppatore, anche io di Messina, vorrei mettermi in contatto con te ma non trovo nulla, posso contattarti da qualche parte? :D 

Thank you very much for playing this! :D 

i think that should count as a license!

as long as you have the license for it, sure!

yes there is! after you submit your entry you can give collaborator/admin status to your team members!

può essere sia 3d che 2d, va bene tutto!

Yes, you should create the game in those dates, we Will announce the theme on the 13th

Dear Itch.io friends,

as many of you know, the COVID-19 threat in Italy is forcing many of us to stay in our houses or, at least, with nowhere to go as most activities have been shut down as a precaution. Then we thought: why not having some fun with a game jam?
That’s why, here at Cyberlab Studios, we decided to kickstart the Quarantine Game Jam! Grab this opportunity to stay safe and have fun, protecting yourself and your loved ones!
Here’s the link

Be safe, make games!


https://cyberlab-studios.itch.io/packed-out here It Is, this time we focused a lot on polish :D 

The game is indeed very short, but the looping room is not actually the ending, there are like 3-4 rooms after it with 6 different endings, it's a puzzle, i tried to not directly tell but show, being more clear would have killed the immersion imho

Time, the reason is time, sadly i had work to do, so i had a couple hours to spare for like 3 days to complete this, as for audio, i'm totally useless in that field (my main field, and the one i work professionally into is graphics, i know just some basics of programming, but nothing very flashy) so i had to ask a friend of mine (Daniel Romeros, another guy who worked on the Shoppe Keep series) to make me on the fly an ambience and a death sound...

The art is very nice, would have been better with a couple of animations more and surely a background even simple would have greatly improved the mood, overall goo job! a little thing about performance: better providing the download too other than only the html5 to avoid performance loss on browser, i had to turn on hardware acceleration on chrome to play it properly, and this way cannot be played for example on stream.

About gameplay, the overall  platforming feels a bit stiff, the controller is not very good with this kind of level design with narrow spaces, i suggest to either tweak the player controller to be more precise or to add more space in your levels, the enemies variety is a bit confusing at start, maybe would have been better to start with a bit less enemies/dangers  to have their roles more clear!

Managed to find every bush, is a nice challenge, i found that i never tried to attack the enemies because it's too risky, maybe implementing a bit of knockback on attacks would be nice, because at the moment attacking leaves you too much lacking in defense.

Overall very nice entry, congratulations :D 

oh and i almost forgot, the music is amazing!

https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/475636 :D 

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hi guys, i'll soon stream some community game jam games on twitch, you can send me your game with this link: https://forms.gle/kbVKWXvpezmNGnJp9, i'll be streaming soon on https://www.twitch.tv/siraeron 

the walk animation is unintentionally funny tho, i'm indeed a 3d artist, but not really specialized in 3d animation, thanks for playing!

https://andreadbx-games.itch.io/prison-of-illusion SirAeron on twitch :D 

Almost solo, i did myself the 3d art, programming, animations, i had just a little help for the ambience in the background and the death sound effect, both done by my friend Daniel Romeros (also another of the dev team of Shoppe Keep 2) since i have zero knowledge about music and sounds :D 

yup, there is one where he escape

https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/475636 It's a very simple game, i hope it's fun :D 

this time i'm trying to do something that i never attempted before: a game with sort of cinematics and npc interactions, dunno if i can complete it but i'm already learning a lot of stuff!

sul gameplay si, sicuramente potevo farlo molto meglio, ancora le mie skill da game designer non sono ancora ben sviluppate (la grafica é il mio campo primario) grazie mille dei consigli!

eh sì, purtroppo i rettangoli che vedi sono grafiche placeholder che non ho avuto tempo di rimpiazzare con modelli a livello, purtroppo ho avuto molto ma molto poco tempo per finirlo :( 

gli do un occhiata, grazie mille per il feedback!

Grazie per il bug report, c'è qualche cosa in particolare che fai prima che si bugghi? non riesco a replicarlo al momento :( 

Thank you very much for including my game in your video :D 

:O that's weird, there is an error or stuff like that showing up? also, what is your graphic card/SO?

Nice graphics, tho, the environment looks a bit lacking compared to the character and the effects :D very nice entry!

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i did all my 3d assets in Blender, including animations!

Hi Everyone! i'm Andrea Di Bartolo, 3d Artist for StrangeFire Games (makers of Shoppe Keep and Shoppe Keep 2) i will stream today playing your jam entries! you can submit your game in this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvAQ6iTF3D7QZW4SdpRlXdfTtKa5Cs7ilN6R2M... and i will definitely play it on stream!