Wow, amazing work! This game feels very high quality and professionally made. I found the puzzles challenging and it was really great to have the save feature work automatically so I could come back and work on stuff. It's actually hard to give feedback because it's already so solid, I may need to think on it a bit. A few small suggestions for now...
- Disable the LittleJS watermark in the top right with setShowWatermark(false);
- Esc would make sense to have the same functionality as P.
- Make the start screen a bit more interesting, maybe incorporate some of the art from the game.
- After unlocking new worlds you should remove the "Complete X levels to unlock" text.
- When you eat a tile, the particle effect comes out the top right corner rather then the center.
- There is an setting "Automatically start on page load", this is really good for small games that load quickly like yours.
I will keep playing, need to unlock level 4!