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(1 edit)

Hi. I'm Artem.  Can be said  that I'm new to gamedev, but just as a average developer I have a lot of started and not finished projects =) In childhood I liked text adventures and want to join the jam.

Btw, I didn't find any word about sound and music in jam games. Is it allowed or forbidden? I'd like to add some ambient music for atmoshpere.

(1 edit)


Welcome to the jam. I do hope you will enjoy it.

Sound and music is permitted (and optional), but dialog is not permitted in the sound and music. The game should be able to be completed without sound, so don't encode hints and clues into the sound effects.

Remember that you should only use music and sound for which you own a license.

To properly attribute assets you use in the game, there are multiple ways, but the simplest is to embed any attributions in the "notes = " section in the game_information {} section. Typing CREDITS will reveal all the embedded credits, which is the only breaking of the fourth wall that is permitted when playing the game (as to its word count constraints).


Thank you for your reply, I'm really happy that music is permitted.  No worries about license, I am a composer so just will write a couple of tracks)

I haven't documented the music / sound functions of Adventuron much yet, but here is a simple example. Note that you can use a relative path of the mp3 file when it comes to the final build, but in testing, you either need to save off the game to the folder containing the mp3s (in order for sound to play), or you upload files to a server you own and point to that server in the testing phase.

'll try to document this better later ...

start_at = start_location
game_information {
   notes = Bell sound effect is Copyright of Author of Bell Sound + License Text.
} locations {
   start_location : location "Type \"BELL\" to play a bell sound." ;
} ######################################
#  On Startup                        #
###################################### on_startup {
   : play_music sound = "song_intro" ; // Starts playing music (no preload here)
   : print "Introduction text here !!!" ;
   : preload "incidental_bell"; // Will preload (in the background) an audio asset you may wish to use soon
   : press_any_key ;
   : stop_music ;
} on_command {
   : match "bell _"  {
      : play_sound sound="incidental_bell" ;
} assets {
   sounds {
      ## Please attribute your sound effects in game_information / notes section.
      ## NOTE: You can also use relative paths here, and place the files in the zipfile you 
      //       upload to itch.
      ## Sound effects should start with incidental_
      incidental_bell : sound_sample "" ;
      ## Music should start with song_
      song_intro      : sound_sample "" ;

Amazing, thanks a lot