Okay this was really really fucking good
This is the type of VN good enough to make me liveblog screenshots to my friends as I play because it gets my brain active so much.
The UI rules, the SOUND DESIGN is so minimal but SO evocative and punchy, and even without character sprites I had aion and miran and vel all dance around my head and ugh it was so good
My biggest feeling / throughline with together with you until the end of time is the sense of unease and non-satisfaction and frustration at the world and your own place in it. It resonates with me a lot, where you know how you could be a better person, how your life could be improved - but through various circumstances (material, mental health, etc.) - it just becomes impossible to achieve. So many dialogue options were just too restrictive, in a good sense. They made me feel like really inhabiting a struggling pov character and that was so great
Loved the intermissions in between lives, and the subtle worldbuilding going on with how soul fragments even work
And the choices being locked out (based on my prior choices I assume) was soooo fucking cool