found some bugs :)
* day 1, go to city junction, open inventory, use commander's tablet, shut down tablet -> Moltena menu opens
* buy a lot items in one of the shops, open inventory, "Next page" -> hey, where's my stuff?
some more:
* use the computer in the office, open peek a boo in the browser -> the layer below is not inactive anymore, when clicking around in the grey bar it is possible to open the cheats menu
* it seems Tampula's 4th side story cannot be started? I don't think the label tampula4sidestory1 can be reached in this version?
another few :P
* even when MC found Moltena it is possible to talk to the schoolgirl for, uh, discounted intercourse
* rpy - screens/Tutorials.rpy:216 tries to display a non-existing image (images/fortanewl/ayanegymtranining2.webp)
* trying to clean up the inventory is faulty: dropping staminax removes a water bottle, the same for Weak Aphrodisiac throws a inv_weakaphrodisiac is not defined exception
rpy - screens/FortAnewl Screens/FortAnewl Dorm - Talk.rpy:277 (label eula_prvroom_bodyworkout)
this one has no "jump" at the end and ayanebeachdate is started. I think it should be a "jump anewlprvroom"
additionally Eula does not even get training points, looks like the scene is not completely written as of now