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YAY <3<3<3<3! Welcome to posting on the forums, I'm so glad to see you share your wonderful and beautiful arts here~ I love them so much! <3 

That Lor being pathetic pic gets me so hard. Can only imagine the other guild members regretting their lives. Like crap- why am i trying so hard to be cool, perfect, strong, impressive, ect?! ASDJSJF! Never underestimate Water Mage haha.

Also thank you for sharing some information about your MC Transient One, I think the mirror eye is such an awesome touch! So when I was tackling the problem of making a self-insert protagonist, one of things I was mulling around with was the idea that "Why would the LIs fall in love with the self-insert protagonist if everything about them is basically undefined from my perspective as an author?" (I wanted to leave as much details as possible open for the player to "customize" their MC (I did exclude options of being flat out abusive to the LIs- that just seemed too messy and didn't make any sense for my to wrap my mind around)) Then I ended up coming up with the idea of the Transient One being "undefined" by definition in a world where everyone is more or less defined (even to perfect strangers) by their faction/element auras. because the TO has an undefined aura, the LIs unconciously project themselves, their own needs, wants and desires upon the TO (things that I can as the author , control.) So to make a long story short, Lady Yumi's "mirror" eye represents this concept level idea that I had in the back of my mind. I do think that in a more broad, philosophical sense, humans tend to do some level of this sort of "projecting" to people we like and want to relate to.

It's very interesting me that you found the ADW series through Gacha Date! as I wasn't sure if it would just be confusing to someone who wasn't already familair with the characters. (Who are these simps?? and why is their simping so extreme??? LOL) It's so funny that you liked Katnir and Ashur the most (my friend who hadn't played the other ADW games, played their first couple conversations in ADWGD and was like "nope! Too bad because I liked their designs until they opened their mouths. Katnir = rude/mean, Ashur = weird/dumb. (I mean, I can't totally refute that assessment...)" She ended up falling the most for that other rogue. Jeth = charming/not toxic (that I can argue with!)) Just curious but which game did you try after ADWGD? Did you finish all of GD before moving on? In your opinion, is there something extra charming about the rogue faction? 

Thank you again for posting- I'm so very happy you found, shared and enjoyed the ADW series TT ~!! 


ASHJUADSKGKJ i would love to see them all pathetic. AT LEAST ONCE! perhaps i will draw something regarding that but ejsakfsafdk lor is highly loved for his emotional behavior... i wonder how he'll feel about that if he was told that... i love a man who can show his emotions.

AND WOW! i love hearing concepts and ideas that you've thought of for the world!! that's so cool! i've always been quite curious what that 'aura' truly was but never really thought too hard on it cuz i just liked having everyone fawn over me.......... IN A HEALTHY MANNER I MEAN! if i may ask... do you have anything else to share? for example, id love to know if there was a design for ruwin's sister or if it never crossed your mind?

and im so glad that yumi's mirror eye can be apart of the lore!!! i love to mix some uniqueness with my inserted MCs that don't really add anything to the story but i'm happy to know that it CAN be something! oh wow!! i also recall you having trouble with fleshing out a self-insert protagonist and i can totally understand how challenging that may be especially when nowadays self inserters aren't as imaginative as they used to be (regarding factors like adding different options that can limit certain paths in story or just the fact that you cant include everything that people want) it's tough! and i appreciate the games that do try to be as inclusive as possible! like arcane dice wars!

i can sympathize with your friend, i too felt the same way when i was reading their dialogue ESPECIALLY when i had no clue what they were talking abt. like what did i do to katnir to make him so pissy? :( or why am i enemies to lovers with this ashur freak (LOVINGLY)? but instead of crushing on someone else, i kept digging for diamonds in the rough HAHAHAHA. what can i say, ekkoberry's art was tempting and then i gasped once i got the secret cgs AJKDFAHFUEIAWFDAKDFK <-- really enjoyed ashurs and ruwins. 

and to answer ur question, i finished all of ADWGD while jittering with curiosity. i had NO clue what they were talking abt!! and i wanted to know so bad! i then proceeded to play all of ADW and then went straight to ADWAVH after capturing ashur and then went back to ADWGD to read it all over again! i like replaying things once i learn something new, it's always interesting to me! i personally think there is something quite charming about the rogue faction, they're quite easy to like (IMO IMO IMO IMO) and i enjoy the multi-faceted personalities they display. but maybe this charm is extended only to me since i think theyre either super flirty (which i like teehee) or just SUPER funny to me JAKDNSJKAF. i like a person that can make me laugh....

AND OF COURSE OF COURSE!! i am terribly happy to even have the opportunity to even talk to the developer of a game i enjoy so much!!


Hi Noodie,

Since you mentioned Katnir, I will talk about his character more specifically XD;;. From what I've been told, Katnir's behavior is a bit confusing it seems to some people  because he starts out more flirty and fun, and gets more guarded and prickly with the TO, the more he falls in love with them.  This is his defense mechanism, the more he starts feeling attached, the more he tries to push them away and keep them at arms length for fear of losing them and being hurt. Even as his romance route matures and he starts to feel a bit more secure and accepting, he's still fearful of losing the TO while trying to mentally prepare for that reality. fun fact- Most of the characters will reject friendship if they have been flirted excessively with, as they feel "led on" with Katnir being one of the exceptions. Katnir's thinking being that he reasons that being friends is the more logical, pragmatic and safer relationship to have with the TO, regardless if he was falling in love. Samuel is another exception but he will accept any relationship the TO requests, as he's very charitable towards the TO's intentions (TO's foreigner status), and philosophically supports/promotes all forms of love. As I was orphan myself, I struggled with more subtle manifestations of attachment issues, Katnir's avoidant style makes perfect sense to me, but may not be as relatable to others. 

Speaking of which, here's other random thing probably related to my childhood. I'm a terrible sleeper my whole life, prone to chronic nightmares and probably only getting around 4-6 hours sleep a night. I go to bed early to "rest" but  often I have trouble falling or staying asleep. Because I used to be afraid of constantly having nightmares, I started telling myself stories when I can't sleep. It started out by "rewriting" the nightmares I had, because often times when I'd wake up from a nightmare, I'd fall back asleep into the same nightmare. so I got afraid of sleeping. To solve this issue, I started imagining the nightmare as having a good resolution and it calmed me down and I started having less nightmares. Eventually this began to change to imagining scenarios with favorite fictional characters to imagining scenarios with my own characters and stories. Lots of times when I'm laying in bed, I think of my characters getting ready for bed or waking up, or doing other mundane daily things that never get put into the actual stories/games.  The thoughts and routines they have... I think this probably helps "flesh" out my characters somehow and make them feel a bit more authentic.

So bringing that back to Katnir. What is his nightly/daily routine like to me? Though it's not mentioned overly in the story, Katnir does have a 'air' of refinement about him, even though he was essentially raised in the woods by animals LOL. It's implied through the games that he might have been abandoned by a noble family, that didn't want him to inherit in some kind of family feud. Though he dislikes the thought of this possible history for himself, (he's pretty salty about the nobles for many reasons, rejection, poaching, inequality, ect) He's also got a slight superiority complex in the dynamic of the the forest bandits, both for his "elite" aura, his intellect, talent and his good looks. I think he would rather die than admit it, but he puts a lot of deliberate effort into towing the line between fitting in with the other rough and tumble bandits and maintaining a clean and pretty appearance. He probably thinks he's blending right in, while the other bandits probably think he's being a 'princess' in comparison while never daring to say so.

Also I'm glad that you are happy to talk to me as the developer of this game, as I am also worried that people would be bored to hear me go on and on, as I don't expect the vast majority of people in this world to care anything about all the time I spend thinking about this world and story. To be frank, it's the most niche of niche obsession to have, so  am the one who is honored that you'd want to ask me about it!!

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Hi Noodie,

Sorry here is my part two reply because I realized I didn't answer your question about Ruwin's sister. TBH I didn't have a design for her in mind, it's sad and tragic for me to think about her too deeply other than it's a very tragic situation that I could relate to when I was a new sleep deprived mother to my son. I was reading late night obsessively about infants and young childrens  causes of death out of fear and paranoia and there's a lot of very sad tragic stories, shaking baby syndrome being one of them. Ruwin's story is a bit complicated in that he is not a perfect victim. Though he was a child and didn't know fully what he was doing, his strength and temperament made him a dangerous person from an early age. I hear him getting compared to a dog and I also think of the time I was taking care of a saint Bernard. The temperament was very docile, sweet and obedient (much calmer than any other puppy I've met) but their strength is honestly terrifying. As a adolescent dog, he would meekly sit in the house and follow slowly and calmly but once he got outside he would get a little burst of energy and jump around. He 'patted' my arm once playfully, pushed me over and tore the sleeve of my coat. He barked infrequently but when he did it was like this "BOOM"ing deep bark that reminds me of how a lions roar travels for miles.  So yeah I think of Ruwin as someone who was built like this saint Bernard, had an accidental and unforgivable incident and being in the punitive system sort of arrested his development and he never really grew from there as he was afraid to face his feelings of guilt, sadness and shame. It was easier for him to just turn his thoughts off and just play the role of a monster.  I've had some family members struggles with addiction/incarceration and have close relationship with someone who is naturally a strong burlier built man ( some reason just thought of Fezzik's line in the princess Bride " I don't even exercise" and reminds me of this strong person haha)  and it's interesting to me their insights how they had to navigate the world and how they are perceived helped form their self image.  As someone more smaller side and always felt weak, its fascinating for me to learn challenges of such expectations, alienation is can cause and try to emphasize with the otherwise of the fence. Being feared protected him when he was in vicious prison system but it made him very lonely so I think if Ruwin could choose, he wouldn't want to be so big and strong and wished he had more time to be a child be just held, reassured and guided. So yeah given this self image he cant really see himself as handsome and is embarrassed of his scars. He probably envies more normal sized people who can walk about without standing out and act more freely without causing as much of a ruckus. 


thank you so much for answering! and i'm sorry for the late reply, haha, i was busy working and i did read it prior but didn't know when i had the time to write out a reply but oh wow i love hearing about your personal experiences and how you incorporate it into the game!! it's nice to know that every one has a part of them in stories that they tell, it's sweet and makes my heart warm! i think it's apart of why i love indie games so much. but anywho i appreciate hearing about these kinds of things!

and ahhh... i love katnir so much... i quite enjoy characters like him!! he's not confusing at all, i think it's perfectly reasonable the way that he acts especially with since he's been through so much!! and he loses SOOO much in ADWAVH. i think i was suffering most of the time bc i just cldnt handle seeing him distressed TToTT  which i'll attach below! buttttttt i love katnir so dearly and i will understand him in every single universe. and wah... while he doesnt like having this little air of refinement, i think it's a cute contrast to his way of living. 

and to touch up on ruwin in ur second reply, it's very tragic! and ruwin's story is terribly heartbreaking but you made sure to flesh him out well!!! he was just a child when it happened and unfortunately under drastic circumstances, his physicality worked against him :( i enjoy hearing about your own experiences, once again, and i think it's interesting haha! ruwin being a saint bernard is so cool!! especially with the comparison, big brain big brain! but as always... ruwin, if no one cares about you then that means im dead. i am ur #1 fan... ur crimes r mine too


Hi Noodie,

Aww thanks for checking in with us and don't worry if you get busy with work and stuff, I totally understand! I'm glad you liked reading about all my random musing that I have around these characters. Ashur was a surprise to me in so many ways because he's such the antithesis my own personality and actually working with people like him in team settings used to drive me bananas. As I grew older and opened my mind more to appreciating others strengths and weaknesses, I start to appreciate people like Ashur more, even if I personally need to take them in small doses haha. He was late to join the cast of characters but I think his comedic presence really helps move the plot in a more fun way. I enjoyed writing him a lot more than I thought just because he sort of made me laugh too with all his absurd antics. I would write him with whatever came to mind first and have to change and fix the plot to fit it afterwards. In the midst of the chess players, he's messing with the board, moving like it's tic tac toe LOL. It was a bit freeing to write so recklessly.

Sorry for all that Katnir has to endure in ADWVH! It reminds me how my copy editor was saying that visiting Katnir in the prison was particularly painful for her because of what a kind of free spirit Katnir represented. Originally he was mentioned in the text as just kind of lying there (I think I was thinking they would've beaten him up a bunch by then due his disrespect/defiance, but it wasn't really specified) but I corrected it in the update to make him "hanging" chained up well because I figured he definitely would've tried everything to escaping even then seeing that rogues are pretty good at finding exploits, so I'm sure the Crown would take extra precautions. 

Thanks for sharing your screenshots. I'm sorry for all that you endured as well, but I also enjoying reading your reactions and seeing the memes (especially the pikmin one! Aaah I love pikmin thanks to my kiddo LOL) Ruwin as a saint bernard is so precious LOL and i'm suddenly remembering how much that dog drooled. I would've kept taking care of that dog despite the challenges but my poor cat at the time refused to come out from under the bed, even weeks after he left I had to coax her out with little pieces of her favorite chicken. His presence in the house alone just traumatized the crap out of her. Printing it out the doggo and adding it to my wall <3.

Wishes you the best!


I will have you know that I've been over the new things in AVH to check for typos, and I've just finished the prison scenes. Still breaking my heart, thank you very much. ...Katnir-! *SOB* </3

And to Noodle, I'm glad to see another rogue fan! The rogues in this series go through so much, it's a wonder that they haven't gone mad- *remembers Ashur* -er. Madder. I remember in the original ADW release that someone wrote in to mention that Katnir was difficult for them to understand but he was the easiest rogue for me to "get", so it's good to hear that others are coming to understand him well. But ,then again, Earth types are rather easy to figure out.


Oooh speaking of my copy editor!! <3 thanks for joining the discussion! Please forgive me for speaking on your behalf, I just enjoy your feedback as well. Also about Earth types being easy to read, yeah I resemble that remark ! Lol. Come to think of it, I really did put the rogues through some stuff didn't i? but that's what they get for having so much personal ambitions within a rigid system you know? They all have a lot of audacity to keep trying to fight it. 


No problem at all, use whatever of my thoughts as you wish, and thank you for being an unwitting buffer for me to barge in and say hello to people! I've wanted to do it for a while and couldn't for the life of me think up a way to do it without coming across as crazy. So when I saw you mention me, I thought "Ah, a natural entry point for me to come in a dip my toe".

Everyone really are very friendly and supportive here, aren't they? I think the guild is rubbing off on them.

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and to speak more about rogues, i think i'm interested in their more deeply cemented problems and trauma that has affected them entirely! all three seem to be shrouded with a kind of indescribable past that makes me want to gnaw on them  djkasfgnjdkggf,.. not saying that the others are uninteresting, i just think the rogues cater to a specific demographic- which is ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! katnir was easily readable to me even though i have trouble responding to him. to me he's sentimental and emotional which is highly exploitable so he conceals it even with people he trusts. i'm not entirely sure if he's reacted like that his whole life to the point he can't 'turn' it off or if he's reacting like that to avoid his feelings hurt with every single person ever but ToT....... id like to believe it's both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love u katnir!!!!!! i love you and i know you!

oh and this is an edit ; but please feel free to 'barge' into conversations! it is SO very welcome (to me personally! i cant speak for anyone else) and i think it's so so nice to talk to multiple people about things i enjoy! cheers!


Hey, sorry for the late reply! I was so busy at work and didn't have the energy to check the forums.

Most of the characters have trauma, but rogues are unique in that they all have something life changing happen in their lives. Granted, Ruwin's trauma and Mikaylis' is enough to make up for Beisel's cushy life, and Miyetta and Lor make up for Beileph's isolation,  even the priests don't all have it so bad.

Rogues are definitely punished as a whole faction. Granted, Ashur takes it on the chin, but he's, uh... unique. In many ways, and I say that with affection.

Katnir is absolutely sentimental but he's also fairly easy for me to know how to react to him in the scenes. He has his guard up, and the worst thing to do is to try to bring it down. Let him come to you. It's a trick that works on animals, and Katnir was raised by them, so why not? Joking aside, he's fixated on his familial loss and wants something concrete, despite his knowledge that nothing lasts forever. It's a contradictory wish that you have to allow him to ruminate on. Don't offer promises, only chances, because he's too cynical/wise and knows that promises will get broken which will lead to disappointment. Chances are just that, you've given him the choice to take the plunge. His rogue traits make him want to take chances, even is his earth trait is warning him of all the ways it could go wrong. He is a character of great depth that I rarely see in VNs, and he's my favourite rogue for it!


(I have to confess though, although rogues are my favourite faction on the whole, none of them are in my top 3 characters for the series...)


I have to apologise to Noodie, because I spelt your name wrong in my last message! I call Lor "Noodle", so that's what came out naturally, but I will remember that it's an "i" instead of an "l" in future!

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It's totally fine! I go by Noodle and Noodie, mostly Noodle because my friends tend to call me that haha! But call me anything you like!