Hi JustaOneGirl,
Thank you for sharing your story with us and I also relate to a lot of what you said about your parents. I feel like my parent's generation style of parents was very rooted in shame and fear, that expressed rather harshly on impressionable children. I resented my mother for a long time because I felt like I could never be good enough in her eyes. I think she just was afraid of anything bad happening to me, but I interpreted it as her thinking that I was untrustworthy and inept. It didn't help that I had a very sensitive and low self esteem so every criticism I took very deeply. I still think there is harmful in that approach of our parents, even if they mean well. I think its very mature of you to give your parents grace but its also sad that you were hurt by the people who are supposed to love and protect you most.
Even though I am also jaded to love, I think that all people at their core want love and acceptance so it's so ironic that it's so difficult to find. A lot of modern writing kind of has this post post modernism feeling of not hopeful like modernism- we were all let down, not as cynical as post modernism- this just got too depressing, so it's this weird here's a jaded take with just a little bit pf realistic hope mixed in with a dash of ironic humor LOL. I just kind of thought, you know what? Forgot my jaded, cynicism. Someone has to take the first step and put themselves out there in a vulnerable way first so let it be this fictional characters. They are gonna throw themselves into it like YOLO XD! Maybe post post post modernism can ignite a bit more hope, because we can't build a better future without it. I hope everyone can find some genuine love, even if it's not perfect. And we can all at least start with ourselves. <3<3<3