OOOH yaay ı got to know more about Lor haha XD ı always like to know more about the characters ı like so ım happy :3
wow ı never thought he is a social guy haha ^^; perhaps because he was trying to be ''more normal'' while supress himself? he always looked like he wants to say something but struggle to find a way to tell it. and then here ı was thinking that ''ı should introduce him some people he need friends'' hahaha XD
well as long ıts not some topic like ım super interested in ı would usually prefer to stay quiet so ı guess Lor would have so much chance to talk XD. ı also noticed that Lor is kind of being perfectionist when ıt comes to himself. even the reason of the accident that happened in mage tower was because of he couldn't admit what he was doing and was scared so instead he tried to fix things himself or at least bear with it as much as he can yet with already existing pressure his anxious emotions gave him even more stress and pressure so ı am not suprised he reached a point to not be able to handle it anymore as he was trying to be perfect while forcing himself to do certain things at this point ı also kind of think about the one video you shared about perfectionism and how getting burned out and returning to normal self would be seen as ''something that should be fixed'' ı guess Lor was too afraid to show his true self since he was kind of desperately searching for recognition and acceptance from the people he was around. and probably fell in love with Deita since she accepted him even with that accident he caused.
Oh what an amazing grandpa! ım happy that your grandparents had a happy marriage (well since they seem to care each other ı hope they did) and your grandpa sounds like super caring and super strong person! >w< although open love is easiest to realize people who always support their love is very amazing people in general! (*gasp* fluffy hair!!)
I would also like to talk about why ı like him ı guess :3 ı dont mind sharing my thoughts and some little background relating to them but hopefully ıt wont end up becoming a venting since thats not my aim
I guess starting with how ı kind of feel similar to Lor brought my interest and focus on him would be good start :3
I am a single child of my family. my mom usually tells me that she got married my father because her family wanted her to.. and she actually didnt want to marry.. perhps because ıt wasnt love marriage growing up the way ı saw them together reminded more of roommates than lifelong partners since they always look distant from each other. Of course they are both good people.. but ı guess they just couldnt connect with each other much? ım not sure while growing up ı didnt really see them showing some form of love or even saying ''ı love you'' to each other and while ı was talking to them alone they would usually vent about some things their partner do and they dont like and ı would listen to them as their own child XD. Even now ım not so sure ıf they really love each other or they see each other like friends. but one thing is certain: they loved me yet unfortunately growing up in abusive families my parents didnt really knew how to show their love towards me so they usually tried to support me in their way while they might accidentally hurt my emotions in the process ^^;; ıf ı would give an example whenever my mom did see me crying she would say ''dont ruin your eyes over foolish things'' or whenever she did see me eating many junk food she would say ''you are getting fatter and uglier as you keep eating them'' on the inside she was trying to make me stop doing harmful things yet the way she tried stop me always hurt me emotionally since ı felt like she doesnt love me or is disappointed in me.
My parents also had lots of expectation on me as ı was their only child they wanted me to succeed but the way they treated me whenever ı fail was also hurtful... to them me succeeding was ''whats supposed to be'' and me failing was completely my fault as '' ı wouldnt be failing ıf ı would try hard enough and ım just being lazy''. As time passed ı became more and more isolated since ı wasnt allowed to go outside (except school) without my parents being with me because they thought outside world is dangerous and ım too naive and stupid to protect myself (this is what my mom told me when ı asked why many times haha XD).
Though now ı can see they were trying to protect me in their own way ı always thought ım just a idiot girl they were disappointed with or ı am never good enough since none of my achievements were seen as achievements. so deep down ı think ı can understand Lor because ı also always wanted to have at least someone who would accept me as ı am and wouldnt yell at me when ı would make mistakes. perhaps thats why when ı saw Lor ı immediately wanted to make him happy because perhaps ı saw a part of me in him. but of course this was only how ı started to focus on him more rather than why ı love him haha XD
as for how ı started to love him ı guess ı can start with how seeing sweet and caring type of characters actually makes me feel so happy as they are someone deep down ı wish to have by my side x3
I am type of person who listens other's problems so thats how many of my friends told me about things they saw and experienced while dating with someone and.... general picture was always same... some dude showing no emotion at all (except jealousy/ anger) doesn't help with anything but loves doing random stuff they like, act more like a little kid than an adult (that is my opinion honestly.. but ı really felt like all my friends were being more like moms than a girlfriends in their relationships) and this profile never got better anywhere either. ı never saw a man who normally expresses themself (ı dont count yelling or slamming something as clear communication), who somehow shows their love in some way (except buying gifts as an apology after every big fight). and all female members of my family usually talks about how their partner emotionally tormented them and never even lifted a finger in their certain difficult times. needles to say no men in my family know much about chores or cooking either let alone being bit romantic haha ^^; .
maybe thats why ı always find male characters who express their feelings strongly or male characters who does things for someone they love supernatural 0-0 yes even ıts a imaginary game haha even the idea feels foreign ;w;
yet ı fully embrace them too because deep down ı want to believe that ı dont have a doomed future of either never having someone ı can share love with or being with someone who will never show any love and will just exist next to me without caring about me at all. I also love people who are not afraid to show themselfs to others since doing such thing int his cruel world is super brave! and something not many can do haha including me so ı cant blame poor Lor on this. admitting fault or showing your weak sides can be very scary especially ıf you care the opinions of the people around you.
in the end ı feel like ıf someone like Lor would exist and be single ı would probably be the one who proposes to them to not lose them haha XD but in the other hand ı doubt ı deserve someone like him since ı also dont know how to express my love and saying ''ı love you'' still feels foreign to me. Although ı believe people love or hate you depending on your actions but ı also think that ıts not so simple? love might require reasons but that reasons doesnt only depend on me but depend on the person who loves me too. sometimes people can love someone due to some reason they have inside of their mind / heart
Hopefully everyone can be able find someone (not only as partner but also as friend) who will accept themself as they are and will love them since otherwise life sounds too cruel for me :'3
anyway ı love Lor beause he first got my interest as ı kinda felt like ı have similarities with him yet then ı noticed how caring and sweet he is and immediately loved him haha XD and learning that he is so talkative that he would nice hairdresser makes me only love him more XD haha because ım rather quiet and boring person. I also think expressing emotions is beautiful thing! ı guess people can feel responsible about crying tho because they usually want people they care to be happy rather than sad? but ı still think letting emotions go free is better option x3 ıf they ever get bottled up they cause more trouble ı know this from myelf haha XD ^^ ım also glad Lor is having his chances to be more open with transient one too as ı finished playing crown side of new update he was being sad over transient ones departure and he openly expressed himself. poor guy needs to accept himself and be more confident ;w; and not gonna lie ı also kinda feared ''letting others down'' even this was a game... attaching myself too much can be interesting sometimes 0-0
ım so happy for learning more about him thank you so much for sharing it with me aaa >w< ofc ı love all characters in the ADW game but Lor is special for me :3
I hope you will have a nice daay ^^