Thank you for playing and for your feedback.
The 3 cards you had are correct, unfortunately I didn't have time to write in-game instructions and I will add more info in a few hours on this page. In the meantime I made a video that might help to understand better the game.
Anyway, the them is Though Choice, so in addition to the choice at the beginning of the game where you loose randomly cards, you have to choose which card to remove from your deck to use as avatar. So, you are left with 4 cards.
At this stage, your hand is made of only 2 cards (I planned already how to increase it with other choices, once I can work more on the game). Of these 2 cards, you have another tough choice to make, keep one and play it and loose the other forever. With 4 cards left after choosing the avatar and 2 cards per hand where you loose one each time, you have in the end only 2 cards to fight with (and the avatar is the card to protect).
I need to add options, and yes, one will be to have faster turns.
About the sequence, that's again another tough choice. At the beginning of the Turn everyone roll a die and adds it to their base initiative stat. Then the game follow for that turn the order. Since you don't know who is coming next, if again your card or an enemy one, your choice in the battlefield need to be well considered. At this stage with not so many cards and all of them just creatures, it doesn't seems that you have many different strategies, but later more combinations should be possible, so you will have to play knowing that after your turn anything can happen and you have to make your plan B in case things goes in a different way.
I will definitely develop the game more, I really think too that there is a potential for a nice game that need further development.
Here the video that might help you a bit until the instructions will be written on the game page:
Thank you again! :-)