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Resurrected Studio

A member registered Jan 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing!

Thank you ! 

Thank you for the feedback. I’ll have a go on your suggestion :)

sick particles unreal 5 ?

Thank you for the review! Liked your game  a lot.

Thank you for the kind words. 

I like the game the effects are great.  Like the mole bomb 💣. In 3 days is insane .

Thank you for taking time to play and review our game. Europa Report is awesome 😎 indeed.

The artist is also a great Europa enthusiast that is why we needed to do this jam like this.

great game of yours. Lost some time there hehe.

Why is this game so good ? 

-It has a story 

- wiggling upgrade cards 

-addictive gameplay ( “up sounds “ are cool)

- hidden messages

-An ending !

How to improve ( time not considered ) because you went solo.

-Little animation of floating 

-Fish 🐠 swimming 

-A smal pause on collision to give impact 0.05 is enough:)

- Some particles

Overall great game ! 


That is some constructive feedback! Thank you for that. 

Agree with your points 100%

Like your style of the main character. The glow on the arms and “crosshair” is awesome 👏 

The dark material and pipes look amazing 

We al have to start somewhere.  

Thanks for the feedback on our game.

This game Feels like my daily struggle with adhd :)  good fun game ( impressive for a second ) .

Thanks for the feedback!

Hard game I like it :) . The wiggling feet are awesome.

Thank you for those kind words! Respawn sequence could be shorter indeed.

simple mechanic , but so new and refreshing!

Great job 👏 

Thank you for the feedback.

I’ll rate your game soon.

Thank you !

Thank you so much.

Thank you for the feedback.

Like the crash test dummy in the tutorial. The game mechanics are cool; I like the 3 times variant. Good jam, especially if you all did this alone (respect).

Thank you for your time !

Nice relaxed gameplay and not boring at all this is hard to do. So a job well done 👍.

Like the smoothness of the roots going through the dirt. Finding dark areas is a smart gameplay mechanic to add. Nice short story !

ty for the idea future can be done ✅ 

(1 edit)

Ok one more today :) played your lovely game ! 

Thanks for your feedback! 

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback , when the battery is empty or you are below max dept you should implode in wall touch. I’ll look into this. You got us the scan numbers are implemented the last few hours :) 

Thanks for taking the time to comment and share your findings.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback/ kind words. Ps enjoyed your game!

Thanks for the follow !!!

Thank you for the compliments.

Yeah , rate our game https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2236228

Yes , nobody reads thats true :)

(2 edits)

Thank you for the feedback ! Its ment to feel a little "bad" in the beginning. This so when you die you are "happy " to upgrade steering and speed.

I liked your game! The fact that you want to do better is normal, and you probably learned a lot.

(2 edits)

Like the big fish at the bottem.Tip: Make sure you keep the direction when you stop. Thank you for competing and take the time to make a game :) Oh and good job on the pixel art.

There is more than meets the eye in this game. Also, the jellyfish animation is just awesome and clever.

This is original controls, fits the theme perfectly. Your light effect is really nice.

The particle system in Construct needs work. We don't have shaders, so all you see is the artist working his a@# off. Thank you for the feedback! When we continue with this project, you will see the full potential of Construct and my artist :)

Doing a card game in a limited time is super hard. Job well done. Like the upgrade cards. Tip: Try and explain the mechanics better on your page; it took me 2 tries.