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Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you. I just want to know what I can do to solve my problem, whether I just have to wait, do something, or if there's an issue with my games or my account. Of course, I've made sure that my games are properly visible, and as I said, they used to appear in searches but suddenly disappeared.
Hello, I hope you're having a good day.
Sorry to bother you. My pages are still in quarantine as of today and I haven't received a reply to the tickets I've sent, this is the most recent one, although there are more:
The games on my account that are still in quarantine after several weeks and that I definitely know there's nothing wrong with them are the following:
Please, could you take a look at them when you can and remove them from quarantine? I need to post new updates on my games and I can't do that because more games might get quarantined when there's nothing wrong with them.
Those games are not still quarantined.
Just ignore the delisting and update as you would normally do.
The thing is, any update (including the first upload) can get a game on a waiting list for manual review. And that includes a temporary delisting. Unfortunately, the waiting time on that waiting list can be long. Over a month sometimes. So you would typically wait a minute, a few days or several weeks. It is said, that this list is not first in first out.
And some random things can also get a game quarantined and for obvious reasons, Itch will keep those random things secret. There are real hacked accounts and malware out there. Based on my observations, there is about one hacked account with malware on the index every day. And if they take several weeks to remove reported malware, I have doubts that removing games from quarantine is any faster. R-107312 is now 8 weeks reported and still indexed. :-(
If a game is quarantined it is also delisted, but there will be a quarantine message if you try to download it. (On the download page where to select the file)
For publishers the frustrating bit is, that Itch usually does not tell you anything about the status of a game. Is it intentionally delisted or is it still in the waiting queue? Was it "overlooked"? In combination of a waiting time of several weeks, much misunderstandings happen there. And Itch's stance about indexing is, you should not rely on it to begin with. There are reasons for doing it this way, but it still is frustrating for the publishers and at the places they would look for information (the faq), it states a waiting time of a few days, so people get nervous when nothing happens after two weeks.
One of my followers sent me this screenshot when I asked them today if my games were still quarantined, which is why I said in my message that they were quarantined.
The way that message is written, it makes it seem like I might be a scammer, which obviously reflects badly on me. I understand that there are indeed people who create a fake page and post a file with a virus, which is why a review of the games is important. But a whole month of giving a warning on my innocent games that makes me look like a possible scammer is very damaging to me.
And one of my games was fine until I posted a new update for it, then it was quarantined as well, which is why I am afraid to update more games.
Sorry, my mistake. I thought the quarantine message appears earlier. It appears at the latest possible moment - after you decided how much money to give and when pressing the red download button on the actual file.
But if you were not formally notified about a quarantine, I would still just ignore it and operate the page normally. I have seen that happen to another established account some time ago. Half the games were suddenly quarantined. I believe in that case accessing the games with a vpn might have been the cause: Itch might have thought the account was hacked.
I've certainly never used a VPN and it's not my fault if someone tries to do so and I don't think I'm the only developer whose games someone tries to hack into with a VPN, wouldn't really have better measures in place for this?
Do you happen to know what that person did to fix their problem?
I do not know if something was done on publisher side. It cleared after a few days. Maybe a week. People were making jokes about it in the comments. I do not know how long it took. It was one of the bigger accounts. 10k+ followers. It is rumored that the indexing waiting lists might be prioritised by traffic.
I added something to my reply above. There are cases where there is a waiting time that is unholy. I do not know what is going wrong. But I reported actual malware two months ago and it is still indexed. So if that has either a waiting time of that length or the staff clicked the wrong button. I would assume that it does not look any better for false positives that got put on quarantine.
wouldn't really have better measures in place for this?
Disclaimer: I only see the cases that are not caught. So the caught cases might be 10x 100x 1000x times higher. I do not know.
But the cases I do see, the measures are not performing well. When I regularly was checking out games, I collected malware games. My collection grew over 500 in a few months. Most of them on hacked accounts. So the measures are unsufficient to detect a hack. And the scanners were unsufficient to detect the malware. Itch is under attack every day by evil people abusing the system. Long waiting times for indexing or false positives are a symptom of that fight, in my opinion.
Maybe it got better the last few months. I sure hope so.