I kinda wish there was a sweet coffee choice with real milk... lol
That's nitpicking tho. Aside from a later use of your preferences, the choice serves no real purpose. So I don't -really- mind.
I was a -little- surprised at the dog thing.
I am SERIOUSLY wondering about how the mc acts with the girl they see next. Why obey him so blindly? It makes NO sense.
Not when it's someone you just met.
Did you know what you were signing up for beforehand or something? oO
Because even I realize that is NOT a normal reaction to have.
(Most would run for the hills, for one thing. You might be next.)
Not that I mind the action, per se.
But I feel like I'm missing the logic behind WHY the mc does what they do.
Nothing in the game indicates they're anything more than a normal, average person.
The art is beautiful, as is the story.
And by and large I do like this game.
But the ONLY two choices in the game is what coffee you want and if you think something is real or not. Which doesn't even impact the game.
If you had signed up for a photography tour that promised the macabre, and you were shown from the start to have an obsession with these things AND was amoral.... then the game might have worked.
But nothing at all really says that. So the story doesn't feel real at all.
Like some wacky dream --except nothing says it's a dream, so it just becomes weird and therefore stupid.
This would make a better novel than a game.
If put on Kindle instead of itch. Where novels belong.
I WOULD have loved to see a few more choices, things that impacted the ending, and a minimum of 3 endings.
I would also have liked to see the intro changed (or added to) in such a way that the mc's reactions and actions actually made sense.
(Maybe we see a parent's e-mail trying to convince them to seek therapy for some disorder that makes them amoral, and we see their interest in the macabre, and the walking tour promise them that. As one option.
Or we see the amoral part hinted at more vaguely in reading someone died in the news and they don't care, or they collect butterflies and stab needles though a live one without signs of remorse. Anything that explains their later actions.)
But, as I said; I do like this game.
And I kinda hope there may be more chapters of it coming later.
Maybe new walking tours with different themes, that still dip into the same macabre things.