Keep in mind it's not JUST a matter of transferring over the file. You have to play 1 and have it write the file at the end of a given playthrough you want to be "canon" for you. If the playthrough from 1 that gets written to the file doesn't fulfill the requirements, it still won't do anything. There may be a copy of the file pre-existing, but that will be zeroed out and won't do anything. If you want to be absolutely sure/cheat, open up the file (It's just text) and change NumberofBoarDefeats to 3 and ChaptOneTrainedEnd to 1. Make sure it actually saves correctly. Make SURE it's in the right place ( www\js\plugins in the game folder).
Also be sure you walk past the alley by the hotel. If you go through the park instead, it won't trigger.