Hi, Bashidan! Thank you for making a much more thorough review regarding the story, even if it's more focused on the introduction. I appreciate the insight!
I understand that my writing style may come off as a bit pedantic, but that's not really my intention. It's just how I've been taught to write in my time as a literature student. Still, I do think it's something I should try to fix in future writings, so its good to get called out on that. If you have any recommendations I'm more than happy to read them!
I appreciate the comment on "pretty words don't equal depthness" (and I agree!), but what I was trying to convey certainly wasn't what you rephrased. Rather than simplifying the metonyms as adjectives, the "image" should be transformed into experience. It's not just the synesthesia, it's the symbolic nature of the words! I hope you can give it another opportunity, though, as I would really appreciate a critique on some of my other writings. Also, there was supposed to be more dialogues in the game (there were more conversations with bosses), but because of some errors you can't really read them in the final product :(, maybe that would've helped with come across the general idea of the story.
Thank you again for the comment!
PS: I did have NieR: Automata as one of my inspirations, but, honestly, they were all over the place. I took some things from Land of The Lustrous (Haruko Ichikawa), The Incal (Alejandro Jodorowsky and Mœbius), Void Stranger (SystemErasure), some Borges, Cortázar and Bolaño here and there, and the general aesthetics of Bloodborne.