I was able to run your game on Linux under Wine with simple script similar to 'game.bat'. I did not have to install anything else besides WINE 10.1. Script looks as follows:
set -e
REALDIR="$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")")"
cd "$REALDIR/files"
wine ./conflict3049.exe
I think it works just fine but I'm getting a lot of errors from TINYOBJ right when the game loads to main menu, similar to this one:
TINYOBJ: Error reading file 'circle.mtl': No such file or directory (2)
TINYOBJ: Failed to parse material file 'circle.mtl': -3
I'm not sure if there are any models missing in-game. However, the performance is pretty bad. Not sure if this is problem with Linux/WINE or with the game. I have i5 8600k and gtx1070ti and I'm getting ~50fps right after start.
Pretty cool. Not sure how to play it though :D