I really wish there was more choices in this game.
I got bored with the lack of it after a while and hit fast forward, and I was beginning to think there would be no choices at all by the time I finally hit one.
...with an uncle like her's, who need enemies? >_>
I would have killed him... or gone to live in the streets out of shere spite.
A few choices such as whether to follow that bird, or run away from that woman would have been great. (Also to refuse the uncle and go live in the streets)
Even IF they'd cut the game short (and possibly lead to a bad ending) it would be better than not having a choice at all.
Also choosing what clothes to wear (or reject them and wear your own ones) would have been a good choice to have. If only because it made you feel like you had a semblance of control in the game.
I also don't understand why she care if people there are suspicious of her.
She didn't choose to go after all. So why would it matter what anyone there thinks?
She has nothing to hide. And the only risk is that people think her crazy.
And an option to kick the bird would be lovely~ ^_^
Pleeeeeeeease make it an option to kick that bird!!! >_>
I really, REALLY want to kick that bird! >_<
I will never understand why the mc does not try to undermine what that woman who caused problems at every turn.... Why would she let her win?
I wish she'd stop caring about Mitra. I'm pretty sure I rejected him at every turn.
The only person I like at all is the lizard-man.
(I like the redhaired lizardman (Purba) best, but I suspect he's not a love interest.)
This is the problem with a lack of choices: You get stuck with a dumb bird you don't like as an LI. >_>
The very least choice you could give is whether to allow someone to court you or not.
It's not like you're given any choice to -not- meet with anyone.
(And I still can't seem to find a way to romance the lizard-man.
Heck, given half a chance I'd join THEM, and let the world burn. >_>)
I also notice there is no way you can possibly fail your mission.
Like... I tried. A LOT!
Can't do it. Failure is impossible.
Blind obedience to the idiot woman who sent you there AND succeeding is the ONLY ending in this game. >_<
I give up. *sigh* ALL the endings suck!
The art is very nice, and the story well-written.
But the complete and utter lack of real choices (and a love interest I actually like) just ruins it for me.
IS there a way to romance the mysterious lizard man, and I just somehow fail to find the magical recipe for it?
(I don't have high hope for Purba. Even if he'd be my first choice. But why bother to add the mysterious dark-haired one you save to the artwork for the game, if he's not important to the story?
And it doesn't make one whit of a difference if you save him or not.)